Now showing items 726-745 of 754

    • openAccess   Understanding the apparent superiority of over-sampling through an analysis of local information for class-imbalanced data 

      García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador; Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel; Florencia, R.; Rivera, G. Elsevier (2020-11-15)
      Data plays a key role in the design of expert and intelligent systems and therefore, data preprocessing appears to be a critical step to produce high-quality data and build accurate machine learning models. Over the past ...
    • closedAccess   Understanding the nesting spatial behaviour of gorillas in the Kagwene Sanctuary, Cameroon 

      Funwi-Gabga, N.; Mateu, Jorge Springer-Verlag (2012-08)
      We use spatial point pattern methods to analyse gorilla nest site data, and to enhance our understanding of the nesting behaviour of the Gorilla gorilla diehli in the Kagwene Sanctuary, Cameroon. Data were split into ...
    • openAccess   Understanding the sharing economy and its implication on sustainability in smart cities 

      Akande, Adeoluwa; Cabral, Pedro; Casteleyn, Sven Elsevier (2020-09-06)
      The purpose of this article is to evaluate the main drivers of the sharing economy through an exhaustive weighting and meta-analysis of previous relevant quantitative research articles, obtained using a systematic literature ...
    • openAccess   Unsupervised classification of children’s bodies using currents 

      Barahona, S.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia Springer Verlag (2018-06)
      Object classification according to their shape and size is of key importance in many scientific fields. This work focuses on the case where the size and shape of an object is characterized by a current. A current is a ...
    • openAccess   Unsupervised colour image segmentation by low-level perceptual grouping 

      Martínez Usó, Adolfo; Pla, Filiberto; García-Sevilla, Pedro Springer (2013-11)
      This paper proposes a new unsupervised approach for colour image segmentation. A hierarchy of image partitions is created on the basis of a function that merges spatially connected regions according to primary perceptual ...
    • openAccess   Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Hashing 

      Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Demir, Begüm; Pla, Filiberto; Plaza, Antonio Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2020-02-06)
      Unsupervised hashing methods have attracted considerable attention in large-scale remote sensing (RS) image retrieval, due to their capability for massive data processing with significantly reduced storage and computation. ...
    • openAccess   Unveiling fundamentals of multi-beam pulsed laser ablation in liquids toward scaling up nanoparticle production 

      Gatsa, Oleksandr; Tahir, Shabbir; Flimelová, Miroslava; Riahi, Farbod; Doñate Buendía, Carlos; Gökce, Bilal; Bulgakov, Alexander MDPI (2024-02-16)
      Pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) is a versatile technique to produce high-purity colloidal nanoparticles. Despite considerable recent progress in increasing the productivity of the technique, there is still significant ...
    • openAccess   Upper bounds for the Poincaré recurrence time in quantum mixed states 

      Gimeno, Vicent; Martínez Sotoca, José IOP Publishing Ltd. (2017-04)
      In this paper we use geometric techniques to provide upper bounds for the Poincaré recurrence time of a quantum mixed state with a discrete spectrum of energies. We obtain two types of upper bounds. One of them depends on ...
    • openAccess   Using mobile devices as scientific measurement instruments: Reliable android task scheduling 

      González-Pérez, Alberto; Matey-Sanz, Miguel; Granell, Carlos; Casteleyn, Sven Elsevier ScienceDirect (2022-01-29)
      In various usage scenarios, smartphones are used as measuring instruments to systematically and unobtrusively collect data measurements (e.g., sensor data, user activity, phone usage data). Unfortunately, in the race towards ...
    • openAccess   Using regression models for predicting the product quality in a tubing extrusion process 

      García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador; Rodríguez-Picón, Luis Alberto; Méndez-González, Luis Carlos; Ochoa Domínguez, Humberto de Jesús Springer (2018-05-01)
      Quality in a manufacturing process implies that the performance characteristics of the product and the process itself are designed to meet specific objectives. Thus, accurate quality prediction plays a principal role in ...
    • openAccess   Using SWE Standards for Ubiquitous Environmental Sensing: A Performance Analysis 

      Tamayo Fong, Alain; Granell, Carlos; Huerta, Joaquin MDPI AG (2012-08-31)
      Although smartphone applications represent the most typical data consumer tool from the citizen perspective in environmental applications, they can also be used for in-situ data collection and production in varied scenarios, ...
    • openAccess   Valley Hall phases in kagome lattices 

      Lera, Natalia; Torrent, Daniel; San-Jose, Pablo; Christensen, J.; Álvarez, J. V. American Physical Society (2019)
      We report the finding of the analogous valley Hall effect in phononic systems arising from mirror symmetry breaking, in addition to spatial inversion symmetry breaking. We study topological phases of plates and spring-mass ...
    • closedAccess   Valoración del grado de resección de los macroadenomas hipofisarios en la resonancia magnética posquirúrgica inmediata 

      Taberner López, E.; Vañó Molina, M.; Calatayud, Julia; Jornet, Marc; Jornet Fayos, José; Pastor del Campo, A.; Caño Gómez, A.; Mollá Olmos, Enrique Elsevier (2018)
      Objetivo Comprobar si es posible determinar el grado de resección de macroadenomas hipofisarios en la resonancia magnética (RM) hipofisaria posquirúrgica inmediata. Material y métodos Se revisaron las RM hipofisarias ...
    • openAccess   Video Games and Outdoor Physical Activity for the Elderly: Applications of the HybridPLAY Technology 

      Boj, Clara; Díaz, Diego J.; Portalés, Cristina; Casas, Sergio MDPI (2018-10-14)
      The incorporation of the elderly into digital leisure has been especially driven by the development of games and applications that link the experience of play with beneficial effects for the user. Some of these benefits ...
    • closedAccess   View-dependent pruning for real-time rendering of trees 

      Gumbau Portalés, Jesús; Chover, Miguel; Remolar, Inmaculada; Rebollo Santamaría, Cristina Elsevier (2011-04)
      The main problem in the real-time rendering of vegetation is the massive amount of primitives to be rendered. These primitives are needed to fully describe the geometry of the plants. However, some of them are not visible ...
    • openAccess   View-Dependent Tessellation and Simulation of Ocean Surfaces 

      Puig Centelles, Anna; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Chover, Miguel; Sbert Casasayas, Mateu Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014-02)
      Modeling and rendering realistic ocean scenes have been thoroughly investigated for many years. Its appearance has been studied and it is possible to find very detailed simulations where a high degree of realism is achieved. ...
    • openAccess   Viewpoint-Driven Simplification of Plant and Tree Foliage 

      Gasch, Cristina; Remolar, Inmaculada; Chover, Miguel; Rebollo Santamaría, Cristina (2018)
      Plants and trees are an essential part of outdoor scenes. They are represented by such a vast number of polygons that performing real-time visualization is still a problem in spite of the advantages of the hardware. ...
    • openAccess   Virtual Reality versus Desktop Experience in a Dangerous Goods Simulator 

      Chover, Miguel; Martínez Sotoca, José; Marin-Lora, Carlos Serious Games Society (2022-05-31)
      Virtual Reality applications have become a trend in training simulators as an alternative to desktop applications. However, further study is needed on how these types of serious games, which often include several modes of ...
    • openAccess   Vision-based gait impairment analysis for aided diagnosis 

      Ortells Lorenzo, Javier; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad; Mollineda, Ramón A. Springer Verlag (2018)
      Gait is a firsthand reflection of health condition. This belief has inspired recent research efforts to automate the analysis of pathological gait, in order to assist physicians in decision-making. However, most of these ...
    • closedAccess   Visualization of level-of-detail meshes on the GPU 

      Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Chover, Miguel Springer Verlag (2011-09-01)
      Extensive research has been carried out in multiresolution models for many decades. The tendency in recent years has been to harness the potential of GPUs to perform the level-of-detail extraction on graphics hardware. The ...