• closedAccess   A new extrinsic sample mean in the shape space with applications to the boundaries of anatomical structures 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia Wiley (2016-02-16)
      Shape analysis is of great importance in many fields of medical imaging and computational biology. In this paper, we consider the shape space as the set of smooth planar immersed curves in inline image (parameterized curves) ...
    • openAccess   A New Geometric Metric in the Shape and Size Space of Curves in R n 

      Epifanio, Irene; Gimeno, Vicent; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria MDPI (2020-10-01)
      Shape analysis of curves in Rn is an active research topic in computer vision. While shape itself is important in many applications, there is also a need to study shape in conjunction with other features, such as scale and ...
    • openAccess   Analysis of Archetypes to Determine Time Use and Workload Profiles of Spanish University Professors 

      Cabero-Fayos, Ismael; Epifanio, Irene; Gual-Arnau, Ximo MDPI (2023)
      Allocation of time use is important to develop appropriate policies, especially in terms of gender equality. Individual well-being depends on many factors, including how time is spent. Therefore, knowing and analysing ...
    • openAccess   Curvature approximation from parabolic sectors 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Monterde, Juan International Society for Stereology (2017)
      We propose an invariant three-point curvature approximation for plane curves based on the arc of a parabolic sector, and we analyze how closely this approximation is to the true curvature of the curve. We compare our results ...
    • closedAccess   Erythrocyte shape classification using integral-geometry-based methods 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Herold-García, Silena; Simó, Amelia Springer (2015)
      Erythrocyte shape deformations are related to different important illnesses. In this paper, we focus on one of the most important: the Sickle cell disease. This disease causes the hardening or polymerization of the hemoglobin ...
    • openAccess   Gauss-Bonnet formulae and rotational integrals in constant curvature spaces 

      Barahona, S.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo Elsevier (2017-02)
      We obtain generalizations of the main result in [10], and then provide geometric interpretations of linear combinations of the mean curvature integrals that appear in the Gauss–Bonnet formula for hypersurfaces in space ...
    • openAccess   Generalized Linear Models for Geometrical Current predictors. An application to predict garment fit 

      Barahona-Albiol, Sònia; Centella, P.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia SAGE Publications (2019)
      The aim of this paper is to model an ordinal response variable in terms of vector-valued functional data included on a vector-valued RKHS. In particular, we focus on the vector-valued RKHS obtained when a geometrical ...
    • openAccess   Geometric analysis of planar shapes with applications to cell deformations 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Herold-García, Silena; Simó, Amelia International Society for Stereology (2015-07)
      Shape analysis is of great importance in many fields such as computer vision, medical imaging, and computational biology. In this paper we focus on a shape space in which shapes are represented by means of planar closed ...
    • closedAccess   Measure of Segments which Intersect a Convex Body from Rotational Formulae 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Herold-García, Silena Springer (2015-02)
      Classical problems in integral geometry and geometric probability involve the kinematic measure of congruent segments of fixed length within a convex body in ℝ3. We give this measure from rotational formulae; that is, from ...
    • openAccess   Morphological analysis of cells by means of an elastic metric in the shape space 

      Epifanio, Irene; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Herold-Garcia, Silena International Society for Stereology (2020-03)
      Shape analysis is of great importance in many fields, such as computer vision, medical imaging, and computational biology. This analysis can be performed considering shapes as closed planar curves in the shape space. This ...
    • closedAccess   Shape description from generalized support functions 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Simó, Amelia; Herold-García, Silena Elsevier (2013)
      The generalized support function is considered to be a representation of shape properties of compact connected sets in R2. Some interesting properties are studied and several parameters are defined for use in shape description ...
    • openAccess   Stereology with cylinder probes 

      Cruz-Orive, Luis M.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo International Society for Stereology (2020)
      Intersection formulae of Croton type for general geometric probes are well known in integral geometry. For the special case of cylinders with non necessarily convex direktrix, however, no equivalent formula seems to exist ...
    • closedAccess   Supervised classification of geometrical objects by integrating currents and functional data analysis 

      Barahona, S.; Centella, P.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Sanchis Vidal, Amelia Springer Verlag (2019)
      This paper focuses on the application of supervised classification techniques to a set of geometrical objects (bodies) characterized by currents, in particular, discriminant analysis and some nonparametric methods. A current ...
    • openAccess   The Euler Number from the Distance Function 

      Gual-Arnau, Ximo International Society for Stereology (2013)
      We present a new method to obtain the Euler number of a domain based on the tangent counts of concentric spheres in R3 (or circles in R2), with respect to the center O, that sweeps the domain. This method is derived from ...
    • openAccess   The invariator Design: An update 

      Cruz-Orive, Luis M.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo International Society for Stereology (2015-09)
      The invariator is a method to generate a test line within an isotropically oriented plane through a fixed point, in such a way that the test line is effectively motion invariant in three dimensional space. Generalizations ...
    • openAccess   Unsupervised classification of children’s bodies using currents 

      Barahona, S.; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia Springer Verlag (2018-06)
      Object classification according to their shape and size is of key importance in many scientific fields. This work focuses on the case where the size and shape of an object is characterized by a current. A current is a ...