• openAccess   A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges 

      Ometov, Aleksandr; Shubina, Viktoriia; Klus, Lucie; Skibińska, Justyna; Saafi, Salwa; Pascacio, Pavel; Flueratoru, Laura; Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Chukhno, Nadezhda; Chukhno, Olga; Ali, Asad; Channa, Asma; Svertoka, Ekaterina; QAIM, WALEED BIN; Casanova-Marqués, Raúl; Holcer, Sylvia; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Casteleyn, Sven; Ruggeri, Giuseppe; ARANITI, Giuseppe; Burget, Radim; Hosek, Jiri Elsevier (2021-04-08)
      Technology is continually undergoing a constituent development caused by the appearance of billions new interconnected “things” and their entrenchment in our daily lives. One of the underlying versatile technologies, namely ...
    • openAccess   Cloud Platforms for Context-Adaptive Positioning and Localisation in GNSS-Denied Scenarios—A Systematic Review 

      Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Nurmi, Jari; Koucheryavy, Yevgeni; Huerta, Joaquin MDPI (2021-12-24)
      Cloud Computing and Cloud Platforms have become an essential resource for businesses, due to their advanced capabilities, performance, and functionalities. Data redundancy, scalability, and security, are among the key ...
    • openAccess   Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems 

      Furfari, Francesco; Crivello, Antonino; Baronti, Paolo; Barsocchi, Paolo; GIROLAMI, MICHELE; Palumbo, Filippo; Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Mendoza-Silva, Germán Martín; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín Elsevier B.V. (2021-03-01)
      The technological solutions and communication capabilities offered by the Internet of Things paradigm, in terms of raising availability of wearable devices, the ubiquitous internet connection, and the presence on the ...
    • openAccess   Lightweight Wi-Fi Fingerprinting with a Novel RSS Clustering Algorithm 

      Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Nurmi, Jari; Koucheryavy, Yevgeni; Huerta, Joaquin IEEE (2021-11-29)
      Nowadays, several indoor positioning solutions sup-port Wi-Fi and use this technology to estimate the user position. It is characterized by its low cost, availability in indoor and outdoor environments, and a wide variety ...