Now showing items 8-10 of 10

    • openAccess   L'epitafi àrab del museu de Borriana 

      BARCELÓ, CARMEN Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1991)
      The author of this little study shows how an Arabic inscription kept in the Archaeological Museum of Borriana (the only exemple of its type, from the area of Castelló, that is conserved in a museum) is the epitaph of an ...
    • openAccess   Línies actuals d'investigació sobre programes educatius amb delinqüents 

      Carbó Badal, Olga Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1991)
      In this article, the Social Sciences Citation Index (1975-1987) is reviewed in detail to analyze and evaluate, from a semantic point of view, the education programs with delinquents that are reported in those dates.
    • openAccess   Mite, història i ficció: l'antagonisme de llengües a l'Europa del segle XVI 

      Bierkandt, Inga Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1991)
      In the present article origin and development of the philologic discussion about classic and vulgar languages are exposed. The main exponents of the classical linguistic theories in Spain are represented and are placed in ...