• openAccess   Prevención de las complicaciones postquirúrgicas mediante inmunonutrición 

      Miravet Gómez, Arturo; Aquilué Ballarín, Marta; Bellés Mirallés, Jessica Sociedad Científica Española de Enfermería (SCELE) (2018)
      Introducción: La inmunonutrición consiste en aportar al organismo aquellos nutrientes que vayan a ayudarlo a mejorar la función del sistema inmune y a la mejoría de la pérdida proteicapor catabolismo, producida ...
    • openAccess   Prevención de úlceras por presión en el paciente encamado: nuevas evidencias 

      Peris Armero, Alejandra; González-Chordá, Victor M. Sociedad Científica de Enfermería SCELE - Universidad de Alicante (2018)
      Objetivo: Identificar las mejores medidas para prevención de las úlceras por presión (UPP) relacionadas con superficies de apoyo y cambios posturales, aceite de oliva y ácidos grasos hiperoxigenados, uso ...
    • openAccess   Prevention of Emotional Disorders and Symptoms Under Health Conditions: A Pilot Study using the Unified Protocol in a Fertility Unit 

      Martínez-Borba, Verónica; Osma López, Jorge Javier; Crespo Delgado, Elena; Andreu-Pejó, Laura; Monferrer-Serrano, Alba Universidad de Murcia (2022-01-01)
      Emotional Disorders (EDs) are common in women who undergo fertility treatments. The Unified Protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic intervention that has demonstrated efficacy in preventing EDs under different health conditions. ...
    • openAccess   Probiotic supplements on oncology patients’ treatment-related side effects: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials 

      Rodriguez-Arrastia, Miguel; Martinez-Ortigosa, Adrian; Rueda-Ruzafa, Lola; Folch Ayora, Ana; Ropero-Padilla, Carmen MDPI (2021-04-17)
      Cancer affects more than 19.3 million people and has become the second leading cause of death worldwide. Chemo- and radiotherapy, the most common procedures in these patients, often produce unpleasant treatment-related ...
    • openAccess   Probiotics in digestive, emotional, and pain-related disorders 

      Roman, Pablo; Abalo, Raquel; Marco, Eva, M.; Cardona, Diana Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (2018-04)
      In recent years, interest in the relationship between gut microbiota and disease states has grown considerably. Indeed, several strategies have been employed to modify the microbiome through the administration of different ...
    • openAccess   Problemas del sueño en los mayores 

      Carmona Fortuño, Irene; Moles Julio, María Pilar Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontología (2018)
      Objectives: To compare sleep in different types of patients and see how our variables influences on it. Methodology: Transversal descriptive observational study through the administration of an autoadministered questionary ...
    • openAccess   Programa de intervención escolar sobre publicidad y consumo responsable 

      Miralles Argilés, Judit; Dámaso Vega, Beatriz Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2020)
      Introducción: La publicidad y los medios de comunicación masivos o mass media tienen un papel importante en la adquisición de hábitos de conducta en edades escolares, siendo las más afectadas por ser fases de descubrimiento y ...
    • openAccess   Programa de salud para la prevención de enfermedades derivadas de la exposición solar en la infancia 

      Moreno Guillamón, Belén; Flos Expósito, Belén; Fonta de la Fuente, Adrián; Salas-Medina, Pablo; Cervera-Gasch, Agueda Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2018)
      Introducción: La evidencia científica respalda que los niños son uno de los grupos depoblación en los que más debe extremarse la fotoprotección. Una exposición solar irresponsablepuede acarrear consecuencias inmediatas ...
    • openAccess   Programas educativos en pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica. Revisión integradora 

      Folch Ayora, Ana; Orts-Cortés, María Isabel; Hernández Carcereny, Carmen; Seijas Babot, Nuria; Macia Soler, Maria Loreto Universidad de Murcia (2017)
      According to WHO, the aim of therapeutic education (TE) is help the patient to acquire the resources necessary to optimally manage your life with a chronic disease. The TE is part of treatment in secondary and tertiary ...
    • openAccess   Programas educativos en pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica. Revisión integradora 

      Folch Ayora, Ana; Orts-Cortés, María Isabel; Hernández Carcereny, Carmen; Seijas Babot, Nuria; Macia Soler, Maria Loreto Universidad de Murcia (2017-01)
      According to WHO, the aim of therapeutic education (TE) is help the patient to acquire the resources necessary to optimally manage your life with a chronic disease. The TE is part of treatment in secondary and tertiary ...
    • openAccess   Psychological distress in relatives of critically ill patients: Risk and protective factors 

      GIL JULIA, BEATRIZ; Bernat-Adell, María Desamparados; Collado-Boira, Eladio; Moles Julio, María Pilar; Ballester-Arnal, Rafael Sage (2018-12)
      The admission to an intensive care unit can result in a significant burden of emotional distress in the family. This study analyzes the psychological distress of 89 relatives of intensive care unit patients and the potential ...
    • openAccess   Pulmonary and Inspiratory Muscle Function Response to a Mountain Ultramarathon 

      MARTINEZ-NAVARRO, IGNACIO; Collado-Boira, Eladio; Hernando, Barbara; Hernando, Carlos JSSM (2021-09-17)
      The study aimed to provide within-race data on the time course of pulmonary function during a mountain ultramarathon (MUM). Additionally, we wanted to assess possible sex differences regarding pre- to post-race change ...
    • closedAccess   Pulmonary Hypertension is associated with mortality and cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients 

      Reque, Javier; García-Prieto, Ana; Linares, Tania; Vega, Almudena; Abad, Soraya; Panizo, Nayara; Quiroga, Borja; Collado-Boira, Eladio; López-Gómez, Juan Manuel Karger Publishers (2017-02)
      Background: We evaluated the prevalence, determinants and prognosis value of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Methods: This is a prospective study with stages 3-5 ...
    • openAccess   Quality of nursing care questionnaire (CUCACE): validity and reliability in Colombia 

      Manrique Abril, Fred; Macia Soler, Maria Loreto; Herrera-Amaya, Giomar M; Cifuentes Rodriguez, Johana Enyd; González-Chordá, Victor M. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá) (2021-07-01)
      Objetive To determine the validity and reliability of the CUCACE (Quality of Nursing Care Questionnaire) in Colombia. Every day there is a growing interest in measuring the quality of care received from nursing personnel ...
    • openAccess   Quantitative Analysis of Visual Representation of Sign Elements in COVID-19 Context 

      Cano Martínez, María Jesús; Carrasco, Miguel; Sandoval, Joaquín; González-Martín, César Sage (2022-05-29)
      Visual representation as a means of communication uses elements to build a narrative. We propose using computer analysis to perform a quantitative analysis of the elements used in the visual creations that have been produced ...
    • openAccess   Questionnaire to Measure the Participation of Nursing Professionals in Mentoring Students 

      Cervera-Gasch, Agueda; Macia Soler, Maria Loreto; Torres Manrique, Blanca; Mena Tudela, Desirée; Salas-Medina, Pablo; Orts-Cortés, María Isabel; González-Chordá, Victor M. Universidad de Antioquia. Facultad de Enfermería (2017)
      Objective. The aim herein was to validate a questionnaire to measure the level of participation of clinical nursing professionals in the mentorship of nursing students during clinical practices. Methods. Design and ...
    • openAccess   Quick Recovery of Renal Alterations and Inflammatory Activation after a Marathon 

      Panizo, Nayara; Reque Santivañez, Javier Eduardo; Hernando, Barbara; Collado-Boira, Eladio; MARTINEZ-NAVARRO, IGNACIO; Chiva-Bartoll, Oscar; Hernando, Carlos Karger Publishers (2019)
      Purpose: We evaluated the incidence of acute kidney injury in a cohort of marathon participants. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study focused on evaluating the incidence of kidney damage after a marathon, ...
    • openAccess   Recomendación de pomada anestésica en la punción a pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis periódica 

      Maciá Soler, Antonia; Pina Romero, José Aurelio (2010)
      Introducción El objetivo del este estudio es justificar la recomendación del uso de pomada anestésica eficaz para minimizar el dolor de la punción en pacientes sometidos a Hemodiálisis (HD) del Hospital General de ...
    • openAccess   Recovery of Inflammation, Cardiac, and Muscle Damage Biomarkers After Running a Marathon 

      Bernat-Adell, María Desamparados; Collado-Boira, Eladio; Moles Julio, María Pilar; Panizo, Nayara; MARTINEZ-NAVARRO, IGNACIO; Hernando, Barbara; Hernando, Carlos National Strength and Conditioning Association (2019-04-01)
      Physical endurance sports conditions the increase of blood biomarkers responsible for the acute inflammatory response. The purpose of this study was to observe the impact of intense physical exercise on these biomarkers ...
    • openAccess   Relationship of Gaming Disorder with parenting based on low affection-communication and personality trait of neuroticism in adolescents 

      Rodriguez-Ruiz, Francesc; Marí Sanmillán, María Isabel; Benito, Ana; Castellano García, Francisca; Sánchez Llorens, Marta; Almodóvar, Isabel; Haro Cortés, Gonzalo Frontiers Media (2023)
      Background: Gaming Disorder is increasingly common in adolescents. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between parenting, personality traits, and Gaming Disorder. Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study ...