Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • openAccess   Validation of three predictive models for suboptimal cytoreductive surgery in advanced ovarian cancer 

      Llueca, Antoni; CLIMENT MARTÍ, MARIA TERESA; Escrig-Sos, Javier; Carrasco, Paula; Serra Rubert, Anna; Gómez-Quiles, Luis; Játiva, R.; Cebrian, G.; Boso Ribelles, Virginia; Villarin, A.; Maiocchi, Karina; Delgado Barriga, Katty; RODRIGO-ALIAGA, MIGUEL; Ruiz, N.; Herrero, C.; Frances, A.; Beato, I.; Ferrer, C.; Kessler, Juan Pablo Aracil; Boldo Roda, Enrique; Boldo, A.; Adell, R. Nature Research (2021-04-14)
      The standard treatment for advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) is cytoreduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Tumor volume after surgery is a major prognostic factor for these patients. The ability to perform complete ...