• openAccess   7-Nitroindazole down-regulates dopamine/DARPP-32 signaling in neostriatal neurons in a rat model of Parkinson's disease 

      Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Echeverry, M. B.; Ros Bernal, Francisco; Gómez, Aurora; Ros Gómez, Carmen María; Campuzano Brando, Carmen María; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad Elsevier (2012)
      Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is involved in the regulation of diverse intracellular messenger systems in the brain. Nitric Oxide (NO) contributes to inducing signaling cascades that involve a complex pattern of ...
    • openAccess   Critical evaluation of the anatomical location of the Barrington nucleus: relevance for deep brain stimulation surgery of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus 

      Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad; Blanco, Lisette; Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Carrillo de Sauvage, María Ángeles; Gómez, Aurora; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Avilés Olmos, Iciar; Limousin, Patricia; Zrinzo, Ludvic Elsevier (2013)
      Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become the standard surgical procedure for advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recently, the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) has emerged as a potential target for DBS in patients ...
    • openAccess   Implications of glial nitric oxide in neurodegenerative diseases 

      Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Tarragon Cros, Ernesto; Campuzano Brando, Carmen María; Ros Bernal, Francisco Frontiers Media (2015)
      Nitric oxide (NO) is a pleiotropic janus-faced molecule synthesized by nitric oxide synthases (NOS) which plays a critical role in a number of physiological and pathological processes in humans. The physiological roles of ...
    • openAccess   Nigral degeneration correlates with persistent activation of cerebellar Purkinje cells in MPTP-treated monkeys 

      Heman, Paola; Barcia, Carlos; Gómez, Aurora; Ros Gómez, Carmen María; Ros Bernal, Francisco; Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; De Pablos, Vicente; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Toledo-Cárdenas, María Rebeca; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad Universidad de Murcia (2012)
      In the present work we analyze the cerebellum of chronic parkinsonian monkeys in order to clarify whether chronic mesencephalic depletion is associated with long term activation of the cerebellar neurons in chronic ...
    • openAccess   Persistent phagocytic characteristics of microglia in the substantia nigra of long-term Parkinsonian macaques 

      Barcia, Carlos; Ros Gómez, Carmen María; Ros Bernal, Francisco; Gómez, Aurora; Annese, Valentina; Carrillo-de Sauvage, María Ángeles; Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Campuzano Brando, Carmen María; De Pablos, Vicente; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad Elsevier (2013)
      Patients with Parkinson's disease show persistent microglial activation in the areas of the brain where the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons takes place. The reason for maintaining this activated state is still unknown, ...
    • closedAccess   Persistent phagocytic characteristics of microglia in the substantia nigra of long-term Parkinsonian macaques 

      Barcia, Carlos; Ros Gómez, Carmen María; Ros Bernal, Francisco; Gómez, Aurora; Annese, Valentina; Carrillo de Sauvage, María Ángeles; Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Campuzano Brando, Carmen María; De Pablos, Vicente; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad Elsevier (2013-08)
      Patients with Parkinson's disease show persistent microglial activation in the areas of the brain where the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons takes place. The reason for maintaining this activated state is still unknown, ...
    • openAccess   ROCK/Cdc42-mediated microglial motility and gliapse formation lead to phagocytosis of degenerating dopaminergic neurons in vivo 

      Barcia, Carlos; Ros Gómez, Carmen María; Annese, Valentina; Carrillo-de Sauvage, María Ángeles; Ros Bernal, Francisco; Gómez, Aurora; Yuste Jiménez, José Enrique; Campuzano Brando, Carmen María; De Pablos, Vicente; Fernández Villalba, Emiliano; Herrero Ezquerro, María Trinidad Nature Publishing Group (2012)
      The role of microglial motility in the context of adult neurodegeneration is poorly understood. In the present work, we investigated the microanatomical details of microglia-neuron interactions in an experimental ...