Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • openAccess   Commodity risk assessment of Robinia pseudoacacia plants from Israel 

      Bragard, Claude; Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina; Di Serio, Francesco; Gonthier, Paolo; JACQUES, Marie-Agnès; Jaques , Josep A.; Justesen, Annemarie Fejer; MacLeod, Alan; Magnusson, Christer; Milonas, Panagiotis; Navas-Cortes, Juan A.; parnell, stephen; Reignault, Philippe; Thulke, Hans-Hermann; van der Werf, Wopke; Vicent, Antonio; Yuen, Jonathan; Zappalà, Lucia; CHATZIVASSILIOU, ELISAVET; Debode, Jane; Manceau, Charles; De la Peña, Eduardo; Gardi, Ciro; Mosbach-Schulz, Olaf; Preti, Stefano; Potting, Roel European Food Safe Authority (EFSA) (2020-03-02)
      The EFSA Panel on Plant Health was requested to prepare and deliver risk assessments for commodities listed in the relevant Implementing Acts as ‘High risk plants, plant products and other objects’ [Commission Implementing ...
    • openAccess   Pest categorisation of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii 

      Jeger, Michael; Bragard, Claude; Candresse, Thierry; CHATZIVASSILIOU, ELISAVET; Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina; Gilioli, Gianni; Grégoire, Jean-Claude; Jaques , Josep A.; MacLeod, Alan; Navajas Navarro, María; Niere, Björn; parnell, stephen; Potting, Roel; Rafoss, Trond; Rossi, Vittorio; Urek, Gregor; van Bruggen, Ariena; van der Werf, Wopke; West, Jonathan; Winter, Stephan; Manceau, Charles; Pautasso, Marco; Caffier, David European Food Safe Authority (EFSA) (2018-07-06)
      Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Plant Health Panel performed a pest categorisation of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii (hereafter P. s. subsp. stewartii). P. s. subsp. stewartii is a Gram-negative ...