Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • openAccess   Opposing Roles of Plant Laticifer Cells in the Resistance to Insect Herbivores and Fungal Pathogens 

      Castelblanque, Lourdes; García-Andrade, Javier; Martínez-Arias, Clara; Rodríguez, Juan J.; Escaray, Francisco José; Aguilar-Fenollosa, Ernestina; Jaques , Josep A.; Vera, Pablo Elsevier (2020)
      More than 12,000 plant species (ca. 10% of flowering plants) exude latex when their tissues are injured. Latex is produced and stored in specialized cells named ‘‘laticifers’’. Laticifers form a tubing system composed of ...
    • openAccess   Plant virus evolution under strong drought conditions results in a transition from parasitism to mutualism 

      Gonzalez, Ruben; Butković, Anamarija; Escaray, Francisco José; Martínez Latorre, Javier; Melero, Ízan; Pérez-Parets, Enric; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Carrasco, Pedro; Elena, Santiago National Academy of Sciences (2021-02-09)
      Environmental conditions are an important factor driving pathogens’ evolution. Here, we explore the effects of drought stress in plant virus evolution. We evolved turnip mosaic potyvirus in well-watered and drought conditions ...