Now showing items 509-516 of 516

    • openAccess   Valencian Network of Educational Innovation in Optics 

      Pons Martí, Amparo; Barreiro, J.C.; Fernández Alonso, Mercedes; Martínez-León, Lluís; Giménez, M.H.; Monsoriu, Juan A. Universitat Politècnica de València (2014)
      The Valencian Network of Educational Innovation in Optics consists of three groups from the Universitat de València, Universitat Jaume I, and Universitat Politècnica de València. The participants in the network present an ...
    • openAccess   Valley Hall phases in kagome lattices 

      Lera, Natalia; Torrent, Daniel; San-Jose, Pablo; Christensen, J.; Álvarez, J. V. American Physical Society (2019)
      We report the finding of the analogous valley Hall effect in phononic systems arising from mirror symmetry breaking, in addition to spatial inversion symmetry breaking. We study topological phases of plates and spring-mass ...
    • openAccess   Viroporins: A new target for fighting viral infections 

      Aguilella, Vicente SBE - Sociedad de Biofísica de España (2017)
      Over the last years an increasing number of viruses have jumped into the mass media and several names or acronyms (Ebola, zika, SARS, MERS,…) have become familiar to the general public because of the high mortality rates ...
    • openAccess   Visualizing time: how linguistic metaphors are incorporated into displaying instruments in the process of interpreting time-varying signals 

      Garcia-Belmonte, Germà (2017)
      Spatial visualization is a well-established topic of education research that has allowed improving science and engineering students’ skills on spatial relations. Connections have been established between visualization as ...
    • openAccess   Water Oxidation at Hematite Photoelectrodes with an Iridium-Based Catalyst 

      Badia Bou, Laura; Mas, Elena; Rodenas, Pau; Barea, Eva M; Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Peris, Eduardo; Bisquert, Juan American Chemical Society (2013)
      The iridium complex [Cp*Ir(H2O)3](SO 4) was used as an organometallic source for the electrodeposition of iridium oxide onto Fe2O3. The new iridium-containing electrode allowed us to study the coupling between the ...
    • openAccess   Water oxidation at hematite photoelectrodes: the role of surface states 

      Klahr, Benjamin; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco; Hamann, Thomas; Bisquert, Juan American Chemical Society (2012)
      Hematite (α-Fe2O3) constitutes one of the most promising semiconductor materials for the conversion of sunlight into chemical fuels by water splitting. Its inherent drawbacks related to the long penetration depth of light ...
    • openAccess   Water oxidation kinetics of nanoporous BiVO4 photoanodes functionalised with nickel/iron oxyhydroxide electrocatalysts 

      Francàs Forcada, Laia; Selim, Shababa; Corby, Sacha; Lee, Dongho; Mesa, Camilo A.; Pastor , Ernest; Choi, Kyoung-Shin; Durrant, James Royal Society of Chemistry (2021-04-15)
      In this work, spectroelectrochemical techniques are employed to analyse the catalytic water oxidation performance of a series of three nickel/iron oxyhydroxide electrocatalysts deposited on FTO and BiVO4, at neutral pH. ...
    • openAccess   α-Synuclein emerges as a potent regulator of VDAC-facilitated calcium transport 

      Rosencrans, William; Aguilella, Vicente; Rostovtseva, Tatiana; Bezrukov, Sergey Elsevier (2021-02-02)
      Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is the most ubiquitous channel at the mitochondrial outer membrane, and is believed to be the pathway for calcium entering or leaving the mitochondria. Therefore, understanding the ...