Now showing items 89-108 of 516

    • openAccess   Decoupling manufacturing from application in additive manufactured antimicrobial materials 

      Wales, Dominic; Miralles-Comins, Sara; Franco Castillo, Isabel; Cameron, Jamie; Cao, Qun; Karjalainen, Erno; Alves Fernandes, Jesum; Newton, Graham; Mitchell, Scott George; Sans, Victor Royal Society of Chemistry (2021-05-11)
      3D printable materials based on polymeric ionic liquids (PILs) capable of controlling the synthesis and stabilisation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and their synergistic antimicrobial activity are reported. The ...
    • closedAccess   Defect migration in methylammonium lead iodide and its role in perovskite solar cell operation 

      Azpiroz, Jon M.; Mosconi, Edoardo; Bisquert, Juan; De Angelis, Filippo Royal Society of Chemistry (2015)
      In spite of the unprecedented advance of organohalide lead perovskites in the photovoltaics scenario, many of the characteristics of this class of materials, including their slow photoconductivity response, solar cell ...
    • openAccess   Design and characterization of alkoxy-wrapped push–pull porphyrins for dye-sensitized solar cells 

      Ripollés Sanchis, Teresa; Guo, Bo-Cheng; Wu, Hui-Ping; Pan, Tsung-Yu; Lee, Hsuan-Wei; Raga, Sonia R.; Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco; Bisquert, Juan; Yeh, Chen-Yu; Wei-Guang Diau, Eric The Royal Society of Chemistry (2012-03-09)
      Three alkoxy-wrapped push–pull porphyrins were designed and synthesized for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) applications. Spectral, electrochemical, photovoltaic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy properties of ...
    • openAccess   Design development and implementation of an irradiation station at the neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN 

      Ferrari, Matteo; Senajova, Dominika; Aberle, O.; Aguiar, Ygor; Baillard, D.; Barbagallo, Massimo; Bernardes, Ana-Paula; Buonocore, Luca Rosario; Cecchetto, Matteo; Clerc, Vincent; Di Castro, Mario; Garcia Alia, Ruben; Girod, Sylvain; Grenard, Jean-Louis; Kershaw, Keith; Lerner, Giuseppe; Maeder, Manuel; Makovec, Alajos; Mengoni, Alberto; Pérez Ornedo, María; Pozzi, Fabio; Veiga Almagro, Carlos; Calviani, Marco American Physical Society (2022-10-20)
      A new parasitic, mixed-field, neutron-dominated irradiation station has been recently commissioned at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). The station is installed within the neutron time-of-flight (n_TOF) ...
    • closedAccess   Determination of charge carrier mobility of hole transporting polytriarylamine-based diodes 

      Barea, Eva M; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà; Sommer, Michael; Hüttner, Sven; Bolink, Henk J.; Thelakkat, Mukundan Elsevier (2010)
      Hole transport properties of three different side chain poly(triarylamines) have been determined by means of the analysis of steady-state current-voltage characteristics using co-planar diode structures. The interpretation ...
    • openAccess   Determination of gap defect states in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells from capacitance measurements 

      Pérez Boix, Pablo; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà; Muñecas, Udane; Neophytou, Marios; Waldauf, Christoph; Pacios, Roberto American Institute of Physics (2009)
      Energy distributions [density-of-states (DOS)] of defects in the effective band gap of organic bulk heterojunctions are determined by means of capacitance methods. The technique consists of calculating the junction capacitance ...
    • openAccess   Diamond-based electrodes for organic photovoltaic devices 

      Kovalenko, Alexander; Ashcheulov, Petr; Guerrero, Antonio; Heinrichová, Patricie; Fekete, Ladislav; Vala, Martin; Weiter, Martin; Kratochvílová, Irena; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà Elsevier (2015-03)
      The present paper demonstrates the possibility of replacing indium–tin oxide (ITO) with heavily boron-doped diamond (BDD). Plasma Enhanced Chemically Vapor Deposited BDDs layers of various thicknesses were prepared containing ...
    • closedAccess   Dielectric losses measured in a sodium aluminosilicate glass by using electrical insulating barriers and non-isothermal experimental conditions 

      Henn, F.; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà; Bisquert, Juan; Devautour-Vinot, S.; Giuntini, J. C. Elsevier (2008)
      Ac conductivity and dielectric losses are measured on a sodium aluminosilicate glass using various experimental conditions. Data obtained using metallic contacts and insulating barriers are compared. The influences of the ...
    • closedAccess   Dielectric relaxation dynamics in poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Pb(Zr0⋅53Ti0.47) O3 composites 

      Costa, C. M.; Sabater i Serra, Roser; Andrio, Andreu; Gomez Ribelles, Jose Luis; lanceros-mendez, senentxu Elsevier (2020)
      Polymer-ceramic composites based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and ceramic particles of the inorganic piezoelectric material Pb(Zr0·53Ti0.47)O3 were prepared with different particle concentrations and size by solution casting ...
    • openAccess   Dielectric relaxation dynamics of high-temperature piezoelectric polyimide copolymers 

      Maceiras, A.; Costa, C. M.; Lopes, A. C.; San Sebastián, M.; Laza Terroba, José Manuel; Vilas, J. L.; Gomez Ribelles, Jose Luis; Sabater Serra, Roser; Andrio, Andreu; lanceros-mendez, senentxu; León Isidro, Luis Manuel Springer (2015-08)
      Polyimide copolymers have been prepared based on different diamines as comonomers: a diamine without CN groups and a novel synthesized diamine with two CN groups prepared by polycondensation reaction followed by thermal ...
    • openAccess   Dielectric saturation of water in a membrane protein channel 

      Aguilella-Arzo, Marcel; Andrio, Andreu; Aguilella, Vicente; Alcaraz, Antonio Royal Society of Chemistry (2009)
      Water molecules in confined geometries like nanopores and biological ion channels exhibit structural and dynamical properties very different from those found in free solution. Protein channels that open aqueous pores ...
    • openAccess   Diffraction-Based Phase Calibration of Spatial Light Modulators With Binary Phase Fresnel Lenses 

      Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Martínez-León, Lluís; Carbonell Leal, Miguel; Fernández Alonso, Mercedes; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Pérez Vizcaíno, Jorge; Lancis, Jesús IEEE (2016)
      We propose a simple and robust method to determine the calibration function of phase-only spatial light modulators (SLMs). The proposed method is based on the codification of binary phase Fresnel lenses (BPFLs) onto an ...
    • openAccess   Diffractive control of 3D multifilamentation in fused silica with micrometric resolution 

      Mendoza-Yero, Omel; Carbonell Leal, Miguel; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Mínguez-Vega, Gladys; Lancis, Jesús Optical Society of America (2016)
      We show that a simple diffractive phase element (DPE) can be used to manipulate at will the positions and energy of multiple filaments generated in fused silica under femtosecond pulsed illumination. The method allows ...
    • closedAccess   Diffusion and Monod kinetics model to determine in vivo human corneal oxygen-consumption rate during soft contact lens wear 

      Del Castillo, Luis F.; Ferreira da Silva, Ana R.; Hernández, Saúl Iván; Aguilella-Arzo, Marcel; Andrio, Andreu; Mollá, Sergio; Compañ, Vicente Elsevier (2015-01)
      Purpose: We present an analysis of the corneal oxygen consumption Qc from non-linear models, using data of oxygen partial pressure or tension (pO2pO2) obtained from in vivo estimation previously reported by other authors. ...
    • closedAccess   Diffusion, exclusion, and specific binding in a large channel: A study of OmpF selectivity inversion 

      Alcaraz, Antonio; Nestorovich E.M.; López Peris, María Lidón; García Giménez, Elena; Bezrukov S.M.; Aguilella, Vicente Elsevier (2009)
      We find that moderate cationic selectivity of the general bacterial porin OmpF in sodium and potassium chloride solutions is inversed to anionic selectivity in concentrated solutions of barium, calcium, nickel, and magnesium ...
    • closedAccess   Diffusion-Recombination Determines Collected Current and Voltage in Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells 

      Ripollés Sanchis, Teresa; Guerrero, Antonio; Bisquert, Juan; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà American Chemical Society (2012)
      The basic operating mechanisms of organic bulk-heterojunction cells comprising poly(3-hexylthiophene (P3HT): [6,6]-phenyl-C 61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) blends are examined based on the selection of diverse materials ...
    • openAccess   Diffusion-Recombination Impedance Model for Solar Cells with Disorder and Nonlinear Recombination 

      Bisquert, Juan; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco Wiley-VCH (2013-09-23)
      The diffusion–recombination model is a key tool in understanding the photovoltaic operation of solar cells. Dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, and inorganic semiconductor solar cells are systems affected by ...
    • openAccess   Dilemmas of dye-sensitized solar cells 

      Bisquert, Juan Wiley-VCH Verlag Berlin (2011)
      Ferrocene to the rescue: The dye-sensitized solar cell allows changes in the energetics of electron transport, molecular absorbers, and hole transport materials to better harvest the energy of solar photons (see picture). ...
    • openAccess   Direct retrieval method of the effective permittivity and permeability of bulk semi-infinite metamaterials by variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry 

      Flamant, Quentin; Torrent, Daniel; Gómez-Graña, Sergio; Grigorenko, Alexander N.; Kravets, Vasyl G.; Barois, Philippe; Ponsinet, Virginie; Baron, Alexandre OSA Publishing (2019)
      In this work, we present a simple method for the direct retrieval of the effective permittivity and permeability of a bulk semi-infinite metamaterial from variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. Starting ...
    • closedAccess   Directional ion selectivity in a biological nanopore with bipolar structure 

      García Giménez, Elena; Alcaraz, Antonio; Aguilella, Vicente; Ramírez, Patricio Elsevier (2009)
      Ion transport features of a biological nanopore, the bacterial porin OmpF from Escherichia coli, have been investigated by patch-clamp experiments performed at the single channel level. Membrane potential measurements done ...