• openAccess   Self-attributed facial prominence on social networks through one's own photography: Effect of type of network, age and gender 

      Cifre, Eva; Santamaría-Dávila, J.; Rosel, Jesús F. Editum - Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia (2022-09)
      There are many studies on Self-Attributed Face-ism (SAF) in considering social networks (SNS), sex and age, but with these variables separately. This research carries out a joint study of the above variables through a ...
    • openAccess   Sex, Gender Identity, and Perceived Employability Among Spanish Employed and Unemployed Youngsters 

      Cifre, Eva; Vera Perea, María; Sánchez-Cardona, Israel; De Cuyper, Nele Frontiers Media (2018-12-07)
      Young people find it difficult to access to the labor market, particularly in countries like Spain with a dramatically high rate of unemployment. A further problem is that this labor market is not gender-neutral. This ...
    • openAccess   El silencio como forma de violencia: Historia del Arte y mujeres 

      Torrent, Rosalía Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia (2012-01)
      Violence  against  women  becomes  evident  in  many  ways.  For  this paper we have chosen to reflect on that form of violence that involves silencing or mimizing their findings, in this case ...
    • openAccess   Sin / Sense 

      Valero Valero, Dori; Alberola Crespo, Nieves; Albert Casadó, Leonardo; Albiol, Eva; Aragó Maicas, María Eugenia; Aragó Maicas, María Lidón; Aucejo, Juana; Avram, Alexandra; Aymerich Navarro, Mª del Milagro; Barreda Asenjo, Gema; Beltrán Sebastián, María del Carmen; Bennasser Nougui, Yousra; Bogos, Denisa Adelina; Broch Sancho, Gemma; Caballer Ruiz, Marina; Caballero Guiral, Lidón; Carnero Díez, Beatriz; Cejudo-Borrega, Alfredo; Daniel Arganis, Mayra; Díaz Arteaga, Fátima; Durán, Berta; Ebrí, Arian; Ferrando Daufí, Eva; Gallego Abián, Salomé; García, Eva Margarita; García, Lucía; García, Inés; Garcia-Molina, Irene; García Saiz, Lorena; García Sánchez, Fina; Gil Ramón, Nicolás; Gisbet Grifo, Susana; Herrero Vicent, Esmeralda; Hidalgo Lozano, Carmen; Lliberós, Susana; Lliberós, Reis; Luis López, David; Mallea Cañizares, Gonzalo J.; Maroño Vázquez, Raquel; Martínez Arce, Marisa; Martínez Bagant, Aura; Martínez de la Casa González, Elena; Mateu Piñón, Jorge; Mateu Rubert, Miguel; Medina-Vicent, Maria; Miró Pons, Rosa; Molés Breva, Rubén; Molina Ibáñez, María Luisa; Montesinos Muñoz, Amparo; Nastasescu, Diana; Oddo, Ana María; Palatsí Pinyana, Caterina; Pinyana i Garí, M. Carme; Rambla Crespo, Laura; Richmond, Patricia; Ripollés Barberá, Noelia; Rocafull Baixauli, María Isabel; Salvador Queral, Marc; Sánchez, Aurelia; Sanchis Fajardo, Paula; Sancho Álvarez, Irene; Sanz Menéndez, Cristina; Sebastián Fuentes, Paula; Selva Villanueva, María; Signes Urrea, Carmen Rosa; Silvestre Castelló, Noelia; Tichell Fortea, Alicia; Tremblé, Fabienne; Úbeda Martínez, Salvador; Vázquez Salomón, Francisco; Zuriaga Senent, Vicent Francesc Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2018-11)

      Torrent, Rosalía Universitat Jaume I. Institut Universitari d' Estudis Feministes i de Gènere (2012)
      Sobre arte y dolor. A modo de preámbulo
    • openAccess   Sobre diseño y género. Mujeres pioneras 

      Torrent, Rosalía Universitat Jaume I. Departament d’Història, Geografia i Art (2008)
    • openAccess   Sobre diseño y género. Mujeres pioneras 

      Torrent, Rosalía Universitat Jaume I (2008)
      En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la presencia de las mujeres en el diseño industrial. Como en tantas otras facetas de la creación, las dificultades a la hora de acceder a un puesto activo en la vida laboral, y la ...
    • openAccess   Sobre la necesidad de estudiar la masculinidad(es) en tiempos de incertidumbre 

      Sanfélix Albelda, Joan; López Amores, Antonio Universitat Jaume I. Institut Universitari d’Investigació Feminista i de Gènere Purificación Escribano. (2019-12-01)
      La masculinidad como concepto analítico parece estar de moda. Proliferan reflexiones en los medios, se publican libros, se organizan actividades e incluso jornadas y congresos, etc. Todo ello parece consecuencia y al mismo ...
    • openAccess   Sobre las reflexiones de la lactancia materna desde el feminismo 

      Mena Tudela, Desirée; Padró Arocas, Alba Elsevier (2020-03)
      Desde el inicio del movimiento feminista hasta nuestros días, se ha ido modulando el discurso con relación al posicionamiento en torno a la maternidad y la lactancia. Cada ola feminista, reescribe el discurso en torno a ...
    • openAccess   Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: a population study 

      Martínez Garcia, marina; Sansano-Sansano, Emilio; Castillo Hornero, Andrea; Femenia, Ruben; Roomp, Kristof; Oliver, Nuria Nature Research (2022)
      Since March of 2020, billions of people worldwide have been asked to limit their social contacts in an effort to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, little research has been carried out to date on the ...
    • openAccess   Sociedad civil, ciudadanía y género 

      Reverter Bañón, Sonia Universidad Nacional de Luján, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (2008)
      El principal objetivo de este artículo es ver y comprender la relación de tres conceptos: igualdad de género, sociedad civil y ciudadanía, con el interés de concluir cómo se puede hacer avanzar la agenda feminista. En ...
    • openAccess   Spanish adaptation of a film music stimulus set (FMSS): Cultural and gender differences in the perception of emotions prompted by music excerpts 

      Fuentes Sánchez, Nieves; Pastor Medall, Raúl; Eerola, Tuomas; Pastor, M. Carmen SAGE Publications (2020)
      The literature review reveals different conceptual and methodological challenges in the field of music and emotion, such as the lack of agreement in terms of standardized datasets, and the need for replication of prior ...
    • openAccess   Spanish nursing and medical students' knowledge, confidence and willingness about COVID-19: A cross-sectional study 

      Mena Tudela, Desirée; González-Chordá, Victor M.; Andreu-Pejó, Laura; Mouzo Bellés, Víctor Manuel; Cervera-Gasch, Agueda Elsevier (2021-05-14)
      Background: COVID-19 challenges world governments. In Spain, measures to contain the pandemic are novel, and include the possibility of contracting Nursing and Medical students who might not be ready or willing to treat ...
    • openAccess   Spanish social housing in the 20th century: Typological analysis of residential complexes built in Castellón in the 1950s 

      Cabeza González, Manuel; Sáez Riquelme, Beatriz; Ruá, María José; Huedo, Patricia; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel WIT Press (2019-10-07)
      Since the 1940s, populations of Spanish cities have grown intensely, which was motivated mainly by rural emigration. In order to provide housing for such population growth, a great deal of social housing was built. The ...
    • openAccess   Strategies of urban regeneration in vulnerable areas: a case study in Castellón, Spain 

      Ruá, María José; Huedo, Patricia; Cordani, Lorena Alejandra; Cabeza González, Manuel; Sáez Riquelme, Beatriz; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel WIT Press (2019-10-01)
      The 11th Sustainable Development Goal (UNO, 2030) for Sustainable Cities and Communities highlights the role of urbanisation in development and poverty reduction. Accomplishing this goal and promoting the implementation ...
    • openAccess   Student satisfaction level, clinical learning environment, and tutor participation in primary care clinical placements: an observational study 

      Cervera-Gasch, Agueda; González-Chordá, Victor M.; Ortiz-Mallasén, Víctor; Andreu-Pejó, Laura; Mena Tudela, Desirée; Valero, Maria Jesus Elsevier ScienceDirect (2021-09-29)
      Background : Competence evaluations in the clinical setting represent approximately 50% of the nurse training process. Factors, such as perceived learning environment and clinical nurse participation, may influence nursing ...
    • openAccess   Suburbia as a Narrative Space in the Cinematic Universe of Douglas Sirk 

      Alberola Crespo, Nieves; Juan Checa, José Javier Universitat Jaume I. Departament d'Estudis Anglesos (2021)
      Douglas Sirk, now fully recognized as an influential filmmaker, was considered a successful but uninteresting director in the 1950s. His melodramas were considered bland and subsequently ignored because they focused on ...
    • openAccess   Sustainability on the urban scale: proposal of a structure of indicators for the Spanish context 

      Braulio-Gonzalo, Marta; Bovea, María D; Ruá, María José Elsevier (2015-07)
      Some efforts to assess sustainability on the urban scale have been made and different tools for measuring the impact on and caused by cities have emerged. However, the sustainability concept varies from region to region, ...
    • openAccess   Telelactation with a Mobile App: User Profile and Most Common Queries 

      Padró Arocas, Alba; Mena Tudela, Desirée; Baladía, Eduard; Cervera-Gasch, Agueda; González-Chordá, Victor M.; Aguilar-Camprubí, Laia Mary Ann Liebert (2021)
      Background: Mobile applications related to health issues are currently expanding. Different uses of new technologies have produced positive results regarding breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding applications are ...
    • openAccess   La televisión pública y la audiencia infantil: valores y funciones en la era digital 

      Izquierdo-Castillo, Jessica Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2022-06-30)
      Este artículo aborda el estudio de los medios de comunicación públicos (MSP) desde la perspectiva de su relación con las audiencias infantiles. Los principales objetivos son conceptualizar estas audiencias desde la perspectiva ...