• openAccess   Archetypal analysis with missing data: see all samples by looking at a few based on extreme profiles 

      Epifanio, Irene; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia American Statistical Association (2019-05-13)
      In this paper we propose several methodologies for handling missing or incomplete data in Archetype analysis (AA) and Archetypoid analysis (ADA). AA seeks to find archetypes, which are convex combinations of data points, ...
    • openAccess   Archetypal analysis: an alternative to clustering for unsupervised texture segmentation 

      Cabero-Fayos, Ismael; Epifanio, Irene International Society for Stereology & Image Analysis (2019-04)
      Texture segmentation is one of the main tasks in image applications, specifically in remote sensing, where the objective is to segment high-resolution images of natural landscapes into different cover types. Often the focus ...
    • openAccess   Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem 

      Epifanio, Irene; Vinué Visús, Guillermo; Alemany Mut, Sandra Elsevier (2012-12)
      The use of archetypal analysis is proposed in order to determine a set of representative cases that entail a certain percentage of the population, in the accommodation problem. A well-known anthropometric database has been ...
    • openAccess   Archetypal contour shapes 

      Alcacer Sales, Aleix; Epifanio, Irene; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale. Centro Editoriale di Ateneo (2019)
      Shapes are represented by contour functions from planar object outlines. Functional archetypal analysis is proposed to describe closed contour shapes. Each contour function is approximated by a convex combination of ...
    • openAccess   Archetypal Curves in the Shape and Size Space: Discovering the Salient Features of Curved Big Data by Representative Extremes 

      Epifanio, Irene; Gimeno, Vicent; Gual-Arnau, Ximo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria Springer (2023)
      Curves are complex data. Tools for visualizing, exploring, and discovering the structure of a data set of curves are valuable. In this paper, we propose a scalable methodology to solve this challenge. On the one hand, ...
    • openAccess   Archetypal shapes based on landmarks and extension to handle missing data 

      Epifanio, Irene; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Simó, Amelia Springer Verlag (2017-10)
      Archetype and archetypoid analysis are extended to shapes. The objective is to find representative shapes. Archetypal shapes are pure (extreme) shapes. We focus on the case where the shape of an object is represented by a ...
    • openAccess   Archetype analysis: A new subspace outlier detection approach 

      Cabero-Fayos, Ismael; Epifanio, Irene; Piérola Orcero, Ana; Ballester, Alfredo Elsevier (2021)
      The problem of detecting outliers in multivariate data sets with continuous numerical features is addressed by a new method. This method combines projections into relevant subspaces by archetype analysis with a nearest ...
    • openAccess   El arte del buen casar: matrimonio y viudedad en el siglo XVIII valenciano 

      López Amores, Antonio Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      Gracias al análisis de diversos capítulos matrimoniales, testamentos, pleitos, poderes y otra documentación, hemos realizado una breve radiografía del proceso matrimonial nobiliario, con sus causas y consecuencias para la ...
    • openAccess   arte@aeropuertos.com — un paseo para la imaginación 

      Alberola Crespo, Nieves Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni de Vilafamés (MACVAC) (2019-12-16)
      Desde la década de los setenta del pasado siglo, encontramos ejemplos de aeropuertos que han ido adquiriendo obra de artistas de reconocido prestigio que exhiben en sus instalaciones y forman parte de sus colecciones ...
    • openAccess   Arts-based educational research in museums: ‘Art for learning art’ , an A/r/tographic mediation 

      Palau-Pellicer, Paloma; Mena, Jaime; Egas, Olga Wiley (2019-08-21)
      This article discusses forms of arts‐based mediation in museums that use creation as the primary tool in the learning process. We present four mediation experiences based on the arts‐based teaching methodologies promoted ...
    • openAccess   Atenuación de la respuesta cardíaca de defensa (RCD) como posible biomarcador de déficits motivacionales en depresión subclínica 

      Fuentes Sánchez, Nieves; Escrig, Miguel A.; Jaén, Irene; Cifre, Eva; Pastor, M. Carmen Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2019)
      Las personas jóvenes pueden encontrarse en situaciones estresantes que provocan emociones negativas, tales como ansiedad o depresión, tanto en contextos de desempleo como de empleo. Precisamente, la respuesta cardíaca de ...
    • openAccess   Attitudes of undergraduate nursing students towards patient safety: a quasi-experimental study 

      Cantero López, Nuria; González-Chordá, Victor M.; Valero-Chillerón, María Jesús; Mena Tudela, Desirée; Andreu-Pejó, Laura; Vila Candel, Rafael; Cervera-Gasch, Agueda MDPI (2021-02-03)
      Improving nursing students’ attitudes towards patient safety is a current and relevant topic. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention based on critical incident and root cause analysis ...
    • openAccess   Aurora Valero. Mujer, pintora y docente 

      Palau-Pellicer, Paloma Universitat Jaume I. Institut Universitari d’Investigació Feminista i de gènere (2008)
    • openAccess   Azar: el genio de la provocación 

      Marín Torres, Juan Manuel Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Filosofia i Sociologia (1995)
    • openAccess   Ágnes Heller: la elección de una vida 

      Reverter Bañón, Sonia Universitat Jaume I. Institut Universitari d’Investigació Feminista i de gènere (2000)
    • openAccess   Background i cultura d'Europa 

      Reverter Bañón, Sonia Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Filosofia i Sociologia (1992)
    • openAccess   Basta / Prou 

      Valero Valero, Dori; Agost, María Luisa; Alayrach Martínez, Miguel; Alberola Crespo, Nieves; Alcalá García, Inmaculada; Alonso Català, Manel; Antón Antón, Amador; Aragó Maicas, Eugenia; Aragó Maicas, Lledó; Brancal Más, Alicia; Busto, Luisa; Caballero Guiral, Juncal; Caballero Guiral, Lidón; Cabedo Laborda, Cristina; Cid Lucas, Fernando; Collado, Inma; Corona Marzol, Carmen; Marín, M. Creu; Dos Ramos, Manolo; Esparducer Gargallo, Sebastián; Estudiantado de 4o de Grado en Publicidad de la UJI (2013); Estupiñá Mulet, María; Fernández Guillén, Verónica; Fernández-Nadal, Carmen-María; Gallego, Vicenta; García, Javier; García Ramírez, Cristina; García Ramírez, Inés; Gil Lahuerta, Luis; Pérez de Gracia, Elisa Iniesta; Julián Edo, Ana María; Laborda Martínez, Cristina; Laghrich, Saloua; Lampérez Alonso, Teresa; Marina Álvarez, Luz; Lloret-Sos, Isabel-María; Martínez García, José Ramón; Mas, Pasqual; Merino Pastor, María del Carmen; Miró Pons, Rosa; Montañés, Rosa; Morales Carrasco, María Cristina; Osadía; Palatsí Pinyana, Caterina; Pérez Senabre, Elena; Pinyana i Garí, M. Carme; Rakotonanahary, Tahirisoa; Ramírez, Carmen; Raro, Rosario; Sales Fortanet, Eva; Sales, Dora; Sancho Ribés, Lidón; Sancho Ribés, Maribel; Sanjulián, Pilar; Segoviano Marinas, Verónica; Senabre Llabata, Carmen; Senent Ramos, Marta; Senent Galmés, María José; Solsona Andrés, Miriam; Torrent, Rosalía; Torres, Adela; Vila, Ferrana; Zacarés Pamblanco, Amparo Universitat Jaume I, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Feministas y de Género Purificación Escribano (2013)
      Basta/Prou es el resultado de El desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres que el Instituto Universitario de Estudios Feministas y de Género Purificación Escribano de la Universitat Jaume I lanzó ...
    • openAccess   Baudelaire y la imagen de Satán 

      Torrent, Rosalía Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Filosofia i Sociologia (1995)
    • openAccess   Belief in Importance of Information Literacy Abilities among Undergraduates. Underlying Factors and Analysis of Variance 

      Pinto Molina, María; Caballero Mariscal, David; Sales, Dora; Segura, Alicia Emerald (2020)
      Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the levels of belief-inimportance of information literacy abilities (BILA) among an undergraduates´ sample. The aim is, on the one hand, to discover if there is a representative ...
    • openAccess   Breaking the logic of neoliberal victimhood: Vulnerability, interdependence and memory in Captain Marvel (Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, 2019) 

      Gámez Fuentes, María José SAGE Publications (2021-01-11)
      The contemporary visibility of women’s accomplishments and popular outcry in the face of injustice and/or violence might suggest that women have achieved their aim of putting long-fought feminist principles in the spotlight ...