• openAccess   ODS a través de la Gobernabilidad Mundial 

      Lanzuela Irigoyen, María Paz; Agut, Sonia Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2017-03-29)
      Las tensiones entre potencias, las rivalidades ideológicas, religiosas, políticas, los choques culturales y de concepción del mundo, junto con el terrorismo internacional, suponen un desencuentro incompatible con los ODS. ...
    • openAccess   Percepción de los micromachismos encubiertos: la situación de las mujeres de Buena Fe (Ecuador) 

      Gómez Santos, Irene Rosario; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2018)
      Las imágenes estereotipadas de machismo y marianismo forman parte de la identidad de género en la sociedad ecuatoriana, así como en países de Latinoamérica donde existe un elevado índice de violencia hacia las mujeres ...
    • openAccess   Senior Monitoring: A Real Case of Applying a WiFi Fingerprinting-based Indoor Positioning Method for People Monitoring 

      Montoliu Colás, Raul; Sansano-Sansano, Emilio; Gascó, Arturo; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Caballer Miedes, Antonio CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2019)
      This paper presents our experience on a real case of applying a Wi-Fi fingerprinting-based indoor localization system for monitoring elder people in their own homes. The presented system is part of a broad project called ...
    • openAccess   Should female students develop a transformational leadership in the future? 

      Agut, Sonia; Lozano Nomdedeu, Francisco Alejandro; Peris Pichastor, Rosana International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2017-03-06)
      Women have incorporated into the labour market and also at all levels of the educational system in a massive way, particularly since the second half of the 20th century. However, from a transversal perspective, the ...
    • openAccess   Spanish social housing in the 20th century: Typological analysis of residential complexes built in Castellón in the 1950s 

      Cabeza González, Manuel; Sáez Riquelme, Beatriz; Ruá, María José; Huedo, Patricia; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel WIT Press (2019-10-07)
      Since the 1940s, populations of Spanish cities have grown intensely, which was motivated mainly by rural emigration. In order to provide housing for such population growth, a great deal of social housing was built. The ...
    • openAccess   Strategies of urban regeneration in vulnerable areas: a case study in Castellón, Spain 

      Ruá, María José; Huedo, Patricia; Cordani, Lorena Alejandra; Cabeza González, Manuel; Sáez Riquelme, Beatriz; Agost-Felip, Mª Raquel WIT Press (2019-10-01)
      The 11th Sustainable Development Goal (UNO, 2030) for Sustainable Cities and Communities highlights the role of urbanisation in development and poverty reduction. Accomplishing this goal and promoting the implementation ...
    • openAccess   The importance of spatial effects in municipal debt 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Ivanova-Toneva, Mariya Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad, ASEPUC. Universidad de Murcia (2019)
      This article analyses the debt of local governments taking into account the presence of spatial interactions among neighbouring municipalities. To this end, the S2SLS and Spatial lag models were applied to a sample of ...
    • openAccess   The Relationship Between Gender Traits and Ambivalent Sexism 

      Agut, Sonia; Lozano Nomdedeu, Francisco Alejandro; Peris Pichastor, Rosana International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2018-03-05)
      Gender is still a relevant variable in many settings if our interest lies in examining the overwhelming unbalanced percentage of women and men occupying positions of high status and power. One of the factors contributing ...