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dc.contributor.authorJarque Cartagena, Mireya
dc.contributor.otherPicó Garcés, Maria Josep
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Ciències de la Comunicació
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021ca_CA
dc.description.abstractEfímero is a specialized media that covers all the news of urban culture in the Comunitat Valenciana. It is known by all that the Comunitat has a great wealth and tradition of street culture ranging from popular festivals such as the Fallas, the Magdalena or the bonfires, through street performances, to urban art. To select the name of the cybermedia, a concept that fits perfectly with the essence of urban culture was sought. All the artistic manifestations that take place in the street have a determined period of duration, that is to say, they are perishable and transitory art. For this reason, the word “Ephemeral” was chosen, which means, according to the Royal Spanish Academy, “transient, of short duration”. This cybermedia was born with the intention of filling a void within the communication sector, since there is none dedicated to reporting on this area. Moreover, it is unusual to find news or any kind of information about urban culture in the media. When news of street culture appears, it is usually festivals or big name artists, leaving aside other events and performers. Therefore, there is no media that competes directly with Efímero. However, in the Comunitat Valenciana there are very followed cybermedia that are dedicated to offer information about the city in which they perform, including many cultural news and different plans to do. One could mention: Love Valencia, Hello Valencia, Valencia Bonita, LoBlanc, AlicanteOut, Castellón información or No me pierdo ni una. But in these media the content on urban culture is still scarce. As mentioned before, the main objective of Efímero is to cover all the artistic manifestations and representations that take place in the street. It intends to deal with the actuality of urban culture in all its forms and to let the readers know the great cultural richness that exists in the streets of the Valencian Community. The specific objectives would be the following: - To give coverage to a part of the culture forgotten by the media. - To bring closer and awaken the interest in urban culture to those who have not yet entered this world. 19 - To give value to the social aspect of urban culture, which is reflected, among other things, in feminist demands. - To make known the different artistic manifestations that take place in the open air. - To inform in advance of all cultural events to be held in the Valencian Community. - To support culture - To serve as a loudspeaker for artists - To offer the public a much more direct experience with the events, completing the publications with images, photo galleries and videos. Moving on to the target audience, Efímero is aimed at several groups. On the one hand, artists, since in this medium they will find information about future festivals, new trends and it can also be a way to make themselves known. On the other hand, young people, between 16 and 25 years old, and parents. When the holiday period or the weekend arrives, they are always looking for plans to occupy their free time. Efímero informs them about events they can attend and cultural activities they can do outdoors with friends and family. To develop the identity and design of the media, different factors were taken into account. Once the name was selected, we had to find an image that would also fit perfectly with the essence of urban culture. After much trial and error, a logo was created. This consisted of the drawing of a sign in orange tones and the name of the medium in purple tones and with graffiti letters. These two corporate colors were selected because of the meaning they have. Orange is an energetic, bold and warm color and symbolizes creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success and youth. Purple is associated with imagination, creativity, spirituality and evokes quality and authenticity. These two colors are closely linked to urban culture, as artists and performers let their imagination run wild to create spectacular works. The website and social networks of the medium are personalized and stand out especially for the presence of the two corporate colors. The WordPress platform was chosen for the website because of the options it offers, including a storage capacity of 13 gigabytes. In addition, it allows a great deal of customization. In the case of Efímero, the first thing that appears, the main page, is the logo of the media, followed by the claim (Art at street level) and the sections. Then an image appears with a phrase that perfectly represents urban culture (Image 2). After that, all the sections appear in orange tones. 20 The medium has a total of six sections. They cover all the artistic disciplines that take place outdoors. - Urban art: In this section readers can find the most important news within this artistic discipline (graffiti, murals, outdoor exhibitions, sculptures...). It reports on the latest works created, events and festivals, as well as offering the opportunity to learn more about some of the most renowned urban artists. - Music: This section provides information on musical events that people can attend. In addition, this section also serves artists to be aware of municipal ordinances and everything necessary to perform in the street. - Shows: This section is reserved for street theater and performances that take place outdoors. - Festive culture: This section has served both to inform about the novelties, as well as to inform the reader about the origin and the most important acts of each one of them. - Walking the streets: In this section readers can find artistic routes to go to, as well as destinations within the Comunitat Valenciana where to enjoy urban culture. - Cultural Agenda: This is one of the latest additions to the medium. In this section a calendar of the most important events of the month will be published. Then on the home page there are several sections: the latest news, the most recent interviews, photo galleries, the street section and the cultural agenda. Social networks are essential, therefore, accounts have been created on the platforms where the target audience is mainly found, Twitter and Instagram. Orange and purple are used in all publications, combining various shades within their chromatic ranges. Both the design of the social networks and the website are intended to evoke creativity and dynamism. In order to seek unity among the Instagram publications, different signs have been created, such as the logo of the medium, which identify each of the sections of the medium. Also, when viewing all the publications together one realizes that the background ends up forming a single image, this is called a puzzle-style feed. The creation of this media did not require a large capital investment, since most of the material used was reserved at LABCOM. It has been necessary to hire a WordPress plan to expand the capacity, since the media is very image-oriented, and an investment has also 21 been made in editing and content creation programs such as Procreate, Affinity Photo or Luma Fusion. As this is a start-up media, no revenue has been obtained. However, this could come from theater companies that would like to advertise in the medium or from the support of municipalities. Throughout the time the cybermedia has been active, a great variety of pieces have been published in written, audiovisual and radio format. A large number of sources, both personal and documentary, have been used for their elaboration. The audiovisual report has been made on street theater. It has shown how the companies and artists experienced the pandemic and how it is being reactivated. The radio report was about one of the most recognized towns of the Comunitat for its art. This is none other than Fanzara, where it takes place in MIAU, an urban art festival that began in 2014. A total of five photographic galleries have been made: - The exhibition held by the well-known Hung Ying, at the City of Arts and Sciences. - A Ras!, the First Festival d’Arts de Carrer d’Oropesa 2021. - FESTAM 2021, the 5 th Festival of theater, animation and street music of Almassora. - Urban art in the neighborhood of Carmen de València, known worldwide for the Street Art route offered by CaminArt. - Village of Fanzara, A total of two in-depth interviews have been conducted. - Antonio Alpuente Pradas, general secretary of the Central Vincentian Board. The milacres of Sant Vicent Ferrer are theatrical performances that are one of the jewels of Spanish and Valencian street theater. - In the second in-depth interview he delves into the world of urban art with the vision of one of the most famous graffiti artists of the Valencian Community, Krome_2. Creating a media like Efímero from scratch has been a real challenge for me. But I have shown myself that with a lot of effort, dedication, desire and willpower you can move forward 22 any project. I still have a lot of things to improve. My intention is that this project does not remain a mere Final Project, so I hope to continue learning as the medium evolvesca_CA
dc.format.extent86 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectGrau en Periodismeca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Periodismoca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Journalismca_CA
dc.subjectcultura urbanaca_CA
dc.subjectComunidad valencianaca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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