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dc.contributor.authorGuidotti Gresa, Marc
dc.contributor.otherIranzo, Amador
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Ciències de la Comunicació
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021ca_CA
dc.description.abstractFem Futbol Castelló is a cybermedia specialized in Castellón regional football. The publication aims to gather as much information as possible about the king’s sport at the provincial level, as today it does not have the visibility that professional football has either in the traditional media or in the new currents such as social networks or audiovisual platforms. Many people may think that this type of football is invisible to the media because there has not level, but the reality is that this type of information is not covered because it does not want to be given by the newspapers. As I am sure there is a big target audience that interests these matches and how the team of his village has been and now more because of Covid-19 and they cannot be at the stadium. Also, as newspapers are in decline and there are fewer and fewer journalists working in traditional journalism, newspapers have the necessity to cut back and not verving in that way so information that 20 years ago if they could cover and has chosen not to give -recognition of these divisions. Although there is a large number of fans in matches in any regional category, traditional media, such as television or radio, never quote these categories and they only have very limited space in a local media program. In the case of the written press, there is more follow-up, but it is not abundant. As a result Fem Futbol Castelló was born, a space where you can read previews and chronicles of group 1 of Regional Preferente and group 1 and 2 of Primera Regional. In this website you can also find interviews, reports and consult the classification of Preferred, First Regional and Second Regional. Finally, there are voice pieces to listen to, such as radio reports and thanks to which it can be seen how audiovisual pieces and photo galleries of the parties are covered by the cybermedia. 18 Media such as Fem Futbol Castelló are needed to give repercussions to categories that do not cover the traditional media, so interest is high. This digital publication is giving voice to divisions that do not have it and also recognizes the work of clubs that are doing well in the shadows and never talk about them. Therefore, the medium is not only necessary and has a justified interest, but there should be more. Choosing this topic as a project for the TFG is easy. With no media to exploit the market, this digital publication, in addition to being innovative and one of the pioneers in covering Castellón's regional football, is well regarded by clubs and players, as it provides a service to many people who are not accustomed to having feedback from their parties. Therefore, they do not pose any problem when dealing with sources. This has been the main reason for choosing the topic. Another very important one is also the possible target audience. In Castellón, football fans are very high, so before the publication began, there was already a potential target audience. That is, even if no one covers the information of paddle in this city, if there are no people behind who may be interested in the subject, it is absurd to choose the subject. Therefore, as in the city of Castellón the fans of football are great, the publication has a considerable number of views per entry, which with another topic, perhaps, would not happen. The target audience of the medium will be the fans of the teams in the province of Castellón that we are dealing with. Anyone who likes football and lives in Castellón can also be a target audience, as sometimes you have a friend or acquaintance who plays in these leagues and you want to know if he has played or scored with his team. Valencian fans may also be interested in this newspaper, as groups from the provinces of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante cross paths during the ascent phases. In addition to the hobby, due to the lack of these types of media, I have already realized that even the clubs, players or coaches themselves use my cybermedia as a tool. Some have responded to me in a post or story on a social network saying thank you for covering this information, because I am very helpful, as normally the only place where the ranking is usually updated is on the page website of the Football Federation of the Valencian Community. 19 As a result, it is a target audience that is not too large, as it only delimits the Valencian Community, but not small, because in this territory there is a great fondness for football. The content I've been writing or doing is always up to date. For example, as a photo gallery I have used matches in which there was something at stake, in the case of CD Castellón “B” is fighting to be the leader of group 1 in Preferente and plays his matches as a local or in Castalia or in Oropesa, so I could cover them on weekends. In the case of the Rafalafena-Roda "B" match, they played the third against the first of group 2 of the Primera Regional, missing a day to see who started the promotion phase to Preferente. Finally, in the case of Vilafamés-Borriol, there were two teams that were playing to maintain the category, which in the end is just as or more important than promotion, as there are clubs that if they lose the category can disappear. As for the news and chronicles I tried to make them extensive and with graphic resources of the parties I witnessed and as only I was and both human and economic resources were limited, as I made a summary of the day to report to the target audience of how it has gone to the team of its population in the event that it has not been able to go to cover them. I have been doing the contents almost daily. Of course, the day is usually on the weekend, but I think I’ve kept the web active in reports, interviews, or current news all day long. Interviews, in addition to the Castellón football expert Enrique Ballester, I did with the coach of CD Els Ibarsos, Joan Gasulla, team leader of group 1 of Primera Regional, and Alex Falomir, in post-match statements after finishing the Vilafamés-Borriol, day 1 of the phase of permanence in First. The justification for the pieces is clear. They are current and the interview with Gasulla is the piece with the most views of my project, with more than 125 visits. The focus of the interview with Gasulla, Falomir and Ballester is purely informative, as I wanted to know in the case of the journalist the current sports in Castellón and with the other two the current events of their respective teams just when the phase of ascent, in the case of Gasulla or that of permanence in the case of Falomir. The focus of the radio report will be very clear, the violence in Castellón’s regional football. With this piece I want to give voice to a group that is invisible 20 and that never plays a leading role in the world of sports, such as referees. The sources are Carlos Casado, Ivan Muñoz, Albert Sancho and Tono Rodríguez, a member of the FFCV who referees in the Primera Regional, a category that covers my medium. and also in this type of non-professional categories where they are even more unprotected. I am sure that the target audience of my cybermedia will also be interested in this story, because as I have always stressed, I want it to be a media that is not one more, if not to give voice to people who do not have it and giving -a human approach to reporting. Finally, as for the audiovisual report, the sources are Aaron Romero and Ian Caballer. I put together a story with a touch of sentimentality and topicality. Aaron Romero is a player from Castellón B who has gone through absolutely all the lower categories of the club, he has even made his debut with the first team in the Copa del Rey. On the other hand, Ian Caballer is a player who has made his debut in the First Regional this season after always playing in the Second Regional, the last category of Valencian football. Both players are from 1999, but while one has already made his debut in professional football and will hopefully make a living with football, the other continues to study a career and combine it with sport because he knows that never he will live on it, even if he has played all his life. As for the approach, as I said before I gave it a sentimental touch like Michael Robinson or El Día Después, but without forgetting to report and use images of goals or plays of the two protagonists. Overall, I'm happy with the work I've done, as I've kept the website active almost daily and I've taken out a variety of content such as photo galleries, reports, interviews, etc.ca_CA
dc.format.extent34 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectGrau en Periodismeca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Periodismoca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Journalismca_CA
dc.subjectFem Fútbol Castellóca_CA
dc.subjectfútbol regional castellonencca_CA
dc.titleFem Fútbol Castellóca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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