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dc.contributor.authorDíaz Jacobo, Mayre
dc.contributor.otherOliver Campos, Dolores
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Ciències de la Comunicació
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021ca_CA
dc.description.abstractProblem statement: In the last few years the rates of anxiety and depression in young people in the world in general, and in Spain in particular have increased a lot. In a seminar called Millennials and Generation Z Silent depression had been concluded that "at least 20% of these young people had suffered from a depressive disorder before the age of 18". The financial crisis have made many millennial people unable to find a job of what they studied, after the health crisis due to the coronavirus has changed the way of living as we were used to and affected the mental health of the population according to WHO reports. With this background, young people are starting to be aware of the importance of mental health for everybody. As a result, they are raising their voices, destigmatizing psychological therapy, asking for information on how to take care of their mental health and demanding emotional education at school. The change is out there and you can see it throughout all the short videos on social media about self-deprecating humor and body and mind empowerment they upload to their accounts as kind of a way of self-therapy. Media Solution: In this context Mens Sana appears. Mens Sana it’s an online media, addressed to young Spanish people follwing the demographic cohort (millenial: 23-25 years old and Gen Z: 10-23) about daily mental health because they are the ones who are starting to break the stigma. Its main objective is destigmatizing and raising awareness on this topic (aligned with the current values of youth) through bringing some light on it. Mens Sana achieves its goal through disproving misinformation that still exists around mental health and providing valued information and resources on how to take care in the most commonly problematic fields of daily mental health. At the same time Mens Sana aims at founding out the current state of young Spanish people mental health in 2020 through discovering how affects youth in mental health, which are the thoughts and beliefs of young people connected to this 17 topic (their vision on mental health), the tendencies of these young generations in Spain which turn out to be assiting to therapy and suicide. And finally how is the National Health System in Spain which turns out to be underfunded with a pharmacological approach. With all these research Mens Sana offers the whole picture of how Youth Mental Health in Spain is. Published Content and Sources Myths and legends section follows the main aim of lightning mental health world breaking prejudices and stigma through disproving the common beliefs related to mental health, mental disorders and psychological therapy. The Wise Women of Mental Health holds many interviews to scientific sources: psychologist and neuropsychologist, where in each one it is tackled one topic or issue in particular and the way proved to solve it such as selfesteem and inner dialogue, anxiety and leaving fears behind, emotional dependendence and the attachment theory or emotion management and mindfulness for example. The Help! section holds some reportages based on what whoever, no matter the age, race, social condition or whatsoever can do on a daily basis to take care of his/her mental health thanks to his/her human condition such as forgiving, being grateful or living “in the now” based on mindfulness philosophy. Actually, these are three natural ways and ones of the most useful to decrease levels of anxiety in a person. This reportages are nurtured by documentary scientific studies and scientific personal sources who interpret it, personal sources such as monks, or experts in alternative therapies, and on occasions inspirational TED talks. The structure of these reportages are the same. It starts with an example, after the experts on the topic are given voice and at the end a scientifics study interpreted by a neuropsychologist gives scientific value to this abstract topic. The order may vary but the structure always remains the same. As well, this section provides external sources where the public can expand their knowledge on mental health out of this media. 18 The news section reflects the whole picture of how the youth mental health is currently, what is the situation on this topic in Spain focus on the people, their conductual (what they do with their mental health) and cognitive way (what is their vision on mental health) and focus on how the Medical Care System in Spain is. This section holds agency news nurtured with an exclusive source such as exclusive statements of Con Salud Mental España and Jose María Toro, President of the Valencian residency employers' association. The special reportages, radiophonic and audiovisual puts the human face to Mens Sana. In both cases it is tackled mental health issues through the experience of an individual, a person so we can appeal to the identification and empathy of the public. In the case of the radio one you put face to bullying and in the audiovisual case you put face to the stress and anxiety from others and self requirement and perfectionism. Throughout particular cases the reportage gives professional information on these issues. The radio reportage “turns” the bullying into a social issue through interviewing an association which can talk about numbers. In both cases the psychologist expert on the issue tackled gives an explanation on why this happens and what can we do about it. Since the special reportages gives voice to people affected, the opinion section gives voice directly, with no filter to experts on mental health which are aware of the lastest news and offers Mens Sana as a place where they can spread out their opinion such as burnout syndrome, the lack of emotional education or the pressure of beauty standards on the social media. The two image galleries offer information in a graphic way. Since it is not based on news the gallery pretends to be as professional as possible through an artistic approach of communicating. They are taken and then edited. The emotion gallery is a tool to learn to recognise our own emotions which is essential in gaining skills on emotion management and emotional intelligence. They are portrayed, specially the 6 basics postulated by Paul Ackerman. The second image gallery is related to selfcare. Selfcare is another topic regarding mental health which is daily, essential, and in which everybody needs to be involved, 19 as well as self esteem, the inner child, emotional dependence and getting over the fears to reduce anxiety. While these last ones are addressed in the professional interviews, the first one will be tackled through image gallery. Selfcare improves your productivity, self esteem and helps you to know yourself better. In this selfcare gallery it portrays the 4 basic types of self care that exist: physical selfcare through sports, social selfcare through being with people, cognitive selfcare through reading and emotional self care through journaling, to put it into examples. The documentary sources more recurrently consulted were the latest reports of the WHO to know the current mental health state in the world, of the Health Spanish Ministry to keep the information inside the boundaries of my national media. For narrow down young people's mental health the consulted source was the latest Barómetro Juvenil 2019 de la FAD. In case of the bodies, the most important directly consulted were Mental Health Confederation in Spain, the Official Council of Psychologists or COP and the Mental Health Europe organization. Social Media and Media Style The chosen platform is wix, because it has an intuitive interface to learn how to manage it. The chosen social media is Instagram because it is the one that has grown the most between young people, my target. According to the 7th edition of The Social Media Family's 'Study on the use of social networks in Spain', it is the social network that has grown the most, from 7.4 million users in 2015 to 20 million in just five years. The aim of instagram is to announce the new posts, announce my media in other accounts so that I can gain more interested audience through the collabs with psychologists and neuropsychologists in the interviews and in the opinion section. At the same time I can keep contact with my audience, interact with them and get some feedback. The way the posts are announced follows a style. Each section has a specific format that follows all the posts that belong to the same section. That way, the public can know at a glance which section the new post is about. For example, the myths and legends post follows a notebook notes style. 20 The style of communication that Mens Sana follows is a light, fresh and dynamic communication. The content is scientific but the way to express it is not academic. This communication is nearer to young people who know nothing about mental health because they haven’t been taught before than a medicine magazine. What Mens Sana does is to take all the proven and valued information and translate it into a way the target can understand, feels next to them, doesn't find it too dense and can learn. Sometimes, it even uses young slang to get that close to the target.ca_CA
dc.format.extent33 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectGrau en Periodismeca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Periodismoca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Journalismca_CA
dc.titleMens Sanaca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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