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dc.contributor.authorMatallín Sáez, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorSoler-Dominguez, Amparo
dc.contributor.authorTortosa-Ausina, Emili
dc.identifier.citationMATALLÍN-SÁEZ, Juan Carlos; SOLER-DOMÍNGUEZ, Amparo; TORTOSA-AUSINA, Emili. Does active management add value? New evidence from a quantile regression approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019, 1-18.ca_CA
dc.description.abstractWhile it has long been recognised that active management is an important issue in the area of mutual fund performance, little consensus has been reached about the value managers’ abilities can add. This study examines funds’ and managers’ characteristics in an attempt to understand their influence on mutual fund efficiency. We explore these issues in a twostage approach, considering partial frontier estimators (order-m, order-α) to assess performance in the first stage, and quantile regression in the second stage to isolate the determinants of efficiency. This combination of methodologies has barely been considered to date in the field of operations research. Our findings are of interest to both academics and practitioners as they shed light on the differences among funds as well as among managers. Our analysis provides some arguments to guide fund selection and points to some managerial features investors might consider taking into account. In addition, some of the differences in performance among funds are rather intricate because both the magnitude of the estimated regression coefficients and their significance varies depending on the quantile of the distribution of fund performance, suggesting that some relevant trends might be concealed by conditional-mean models such as Tobit or OLS.ca_CA
dc.format.extent18 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisca_CA
dc.rightsCopyright © 2019 Taylor & Francisca_CA
dc.subjectmutual fundca_CA
dc.subjectpartial frontierca_CA
dc.subjectquantile regressionca_CA
dc.titleDoes active management add value? New evidence from a quantile regression approachca_CA

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