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dc.contributor.authorRenau Renau, María Luisa
dc.identifier.citationRENAU RENAU, María Luisa (2018). A research in innovation in the secondary education: making use of virtual resources to learn a language. v. 3, issue 4, p. 151-173ca_CA
dc.description.abstractThe present paper describes the research carried out in the subject of the The University Master's Degree for Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at the University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain): Teaching Innovation and Introduction to Educational Research’ in the specialty of Language and Literature and Language Teaching. 125 students were involved in this subject. As part of the subject´s assessment, our students were asked to work in groups in order to write a research proposal divided into two main parts: (i) theoretical background (definition of innovative teaching, main trends and authors and some examples of innovative projects), (ii) students define the innovative tool/resource they have chosen (e.g. blog, Kahoot, podcasts, digital books, Mahara, Fakebook, etc.) and design a didactic unit using this virtual tool. In this paper, we analyse the virtual resources chosen by our students and reflect their feelings and opinions about the implementation of these new innovative materials in a real secondary school classroom. Result show that these innovative tools can help secondary school teachers to enrich and improve the teaching/learning method by supporting the traditional method but, by no means, substituting it; however not all our students think about the possibility of implementing them.ca_CA
dc.format.extent23 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherOpen Access Publishing Groupca_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfEuropean Journal of Foreign Language Teacher (2018), v. 3, issue 4.ca_CA
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectSecondary school educationca_CA
dc.subjectMaster´s degree studentsca_CA
dc.subjectInnovative resourcesca_CA
dc.titleA research in innovation in the secondary education: making use of virtual resources to learn a languageca_CA

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