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dc.contributor.authorBerenguer, Josefa Antonia
dc.identifier.citationBERENGUER, Josefa Antonia. Si algú em demana mai… Diàlegs en la poesia de Vicent Salvador. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación/Culture, Language and Representation, 2018, vol. 20, p. 21-37ca_CA
dc.description.abstractAquest treball ofereix algunes reflexions personals entorn de la producció poètica de Vicent Salvador. Es parteix de la idea que, com a esdeveniment enunciatiu, la poiesi de Vicent Salvador instaura el diàleg com el seu principi organitzador. En efecte, el jo del poeta recrea la presència d’un altre, porta al discurs altres veus o proposa al receptor/lector la possibilitat de crear una relació intersubjectiva alhora que l’involucra. En aquestes reflexions, des d’una perspectiva funcional-cognitiva, s’analitzen alguns procediments discursius gramaticals que integren l’ordit del text, com a petjades lingüístiques del ritual comunicatiu. Aquest és el cas de les clàusules condicionals, les formes interrogatives i imperatives que modelen diferents melodies-modalitats amb una particular càrrega subjectiva, potenciada per la lectura en clau lírica.ca_CA
dc.description.abstractThis work consists of some personal reflections on the poetic works of Vicent Salvador. This text is founded upon the idea that, as an enunciating event, Vicent Salvador’s poiesis establishes dialogue as its organizing principle. In fact, the poet’s first person I acts to shape the presence of an other, opening up the poetic discourse to a range of voices as it draws in the audience/reader, inviting him or her to engage in an inter-subjective relation with the work. The reflections in this paper use a function-cognitive approach to analyse the interplay of some of the procedures at work in the grammatical discourse of Salvador’s texts, examining these strategies as though following a trail of linguistic footprints left behind by the ritual of communication. Among these grammatical phenomena are the use of conditional clauses and interrogative and imperative forms to shape different melodies and modalities, each with its own subjective character. This subjective nature is heightened when the poems are read lyrically.ca_CA
dc.format.extent17 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherPublicacions de la Universitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfCultura, Lenguaje y Representación, 2018, vol. 20ca_CA
dc.rightsAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.subjectconstruccions condicionalsca_CA
dc.subjectformes imperativesca_CA
dc.subjectconditional clausesca_CA
dc.subjectimperative formsca_CA
dc.titleSi algú em demana mai… Diàlegs en la poesia de Vicent Salvadorca_CA
dc.title.alternativeSi algú em demana mai… Dialogues in Vicent Salvador’s poetryca_CA

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