• closedAccess   Analysis of the contributions to the SDGs of university students by degrees 

      Ferrando, Lara; Alcacer Sales, Aleix; Lloria, Atanasia; Martínez-García, Marina; Martínez Serrano, Belén; Pérez-Suay, Adrián; Epifanio, Irene IEEE (2022-11-17)
      The perception of the SDGs of the students of our degrees, who belong to different areas, has been analyzed through an online survey. The objective was not to know their knowledge, but we focused on knowing their opinion ...
    • openAccess   Do active breaks influence attention and affective dimensions in university students? Activeclass2UJI study 

      Beltran Valls, Maria Reyes; Adelantado-Renau, Mireia; Fernández-Galván, Luis Miguel; Agut, Sonia; Moliner-Urdiales, Diego Universidad de Extremadura (2024-07-01)
      Introduction: The implementation of classroom active breaks has been proposed as a strategy to integrate physical activity in educational environments, which has been shown to improve classroom behaviour and cognition at ...
    • openAccess   Making music to investigate our neighbourhood: the Musiquem program 

      Cabedo-Mas, Alberto; Puerto-Sánchez, María Jesús; Macián-González, Roberto; Moliner Miravet, Lidón Grupo STELLAE/IARTEM (2020)
      This paper presents an educational program based on community music activity within the classroom to develop a service-learning project. The project was carried out in a primary school with students of the 3rd, 4th ...
    • openAccess   Preliminary study on the awareness of the SDGs in future primary school teachers 

      Vernia Carrasco, Ana M.; Pastor, Victoria; López-Navarro, Miguel Ángel Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València (2020)
      This preliminary study has been carried out with the objective of knowing the sensitivity and implication of future primary school teachers regarding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The questionnaire used was ...
    • openAccess   Repetition and the random in the process of engraving : thinking the idea 

      Palau-Pellicer, Paloma; Avariento-Adsuara, Maria Arts-Based Research and Artistic Research (2018-03)
      The following proposal stems from an A/r/tographic point of view on the educational potential of engraving procedures based on the artist Carmen Calvo. Considering that art education should contain artistic/educational ...
    • openAccess   Reversal error in Mathematics: Training against it using ε coach 

      Santamarta Martinez, Vicent; Garcia-Segarra, Pablo; Ventura Campos, Noelia; Moreno-Rus, Aida; Falomir, Zoe IOS Press (2023-11-01)
      This paper presents ε coach, a serious game prototype which aims at training players to detect and avoid reversal error when representing word problems of the type “N times as many S as P” algebraically as an equation. The ...
    • openAccess   The benefits of artistic projects as a social and educational impact 

      Vernia Carrasco, Ana M. Worldte (2022-03-18)
      Among the current problems and challenges, we find, on the one hand, employability and its relationship with education and training for future teachers, and on the other, the importance of the 2030 agenda and the 17 ...