• openAccess   A characterization of a local vector valued Bollobás Theorem 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Rueda Zoca, Abraham Springer Nature (2021-07-30)
      In this paper, we are interested in giving two characterizations for the so-called property Lo,o, a local vector valued Bollobás type theorem. We say that (X, Y) has this property whenever given ε>0 and an operador T:X→Y, ...
    • openAccess   Norm-Attaining Tensors and Nuclear Operators 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu; Roldán, Óscar; Rueda Zoca, Abraham Springer (2022-06)
      Given two Banach spaces X and Y, we introduce and study a concept of norm-attainment in the space of nuclear operators (𝑋�,𝑌�) and in the projective tensor product space 𝑋�⊗ˆ𝜋�𝑌�. We exhibit positive and negative ...
    • openAccess   On norm-attainment in (symmetric) tensor products 

      Dantas, Sheldon; García-Lirola, Luis C.; Jung, Mingu; Rueda Zoca, Abraham Taylor & Francis (2022)
      In this paper, we introduce a concept of norm-attainment in the projective symmetric tensor product of a Banach space X, which turns out to be naturally related to the classical norm-attainment of N -homogeneous polynomials ...
    • openAccess   On the existence of non-norm-attaining operators 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu; Martínez Cervantes, Gonzalo Cambridge University Press (2021-07-09)
      In this article, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of non-norm-attaining operators in L(E,F) . By using a theorem due to Pfitzner on James boundaries, we show that if there exists a ...
    • openAccess   Smooth and Polyhedral Norms via Fundamental Biorthogonal Systems 

      Dantas, Sheldon; Hájek, Petr; Russo, Tommaso Oxford University Press (2022-08-04)
      Let X be a Banach space with a fundamental biorthogonal system, and let Y be the dense subspace spanned by the vectors of the system. We prove that Y admits a C∞-smooth norm that locally depends on finitely many coordinates ...
    • openAccess   The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás properties in complex Hilbert space 

      Choi, Yun Sung; Dantas, Sheldon; Jung, Mingu Wiley (2021-12-02)
      In this paper, we consider theBishop–Phelps–Bollobás point propertyfor variousclasses of operators on complex Hilbert spaces, which is a stronger property thanthe Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property. We also deal with analogous ...