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dc.contributor.authorGracia-Ibáñez, Verónica
dc.contributor.authorVergara, Margarita
dc.contributor.authorSancho-Bru, Joaquin L.
dc.contributor.authorMora, Marta Covadonga
dc.contributor.authorPiqueras, Catalina
dc.identifier.citationGRACIA-IBÁÑEZ, Verónica, et al. Functional range of motion of the hand joints in activities of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Journal of Hand Therapy, 2017.ca_CA
dc.description.abstractStudy Design Cross-sectional research design. Introduction Active range of motion (AROM) is used as indicator of hand function. However, functional range of motion (FROM) data are limited, and fail to represent activities of daily living (ADL). Purpose of the Study To estimate dominant hand FROM in flexion, abduction and palmar arching in people under 50 years of age performing ADL. Methods AROMs and hand postures in 24 representative ADL of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) were recorded in 12 men and 12 women. FROM data were reported by activity and ICF area, and compared with AROMs. The relationship between ROM measures to gender and hand size was analyzed by correlation. Results FROM was 5° to 28° less than available AROM depending on the joint and movement performed. Discussion Joints do not necessarily move through full AROM while performing ADL which has benefits in retaining function despite loss of motion. This may also suggest that ADL alone are insufficient to retain or restore full AROM. Conclusions Therapists should consider FROM requirements and normal AROM when defining hand therapy goals, interventions and evaluating the success of treatment. Level of Evidence N/A.ca_CA
dc.description.sponsorShipThis research was funded by the Universitat Jaume I through projects P1·1B2013-33 and P1 1B2014-10 and by the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation and the European Union (European Regional Development Funds) through project DPI2014-52095-P.ca_CA
dc.format.extent10 p.ca_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfJournal of Hand Therapy 2017ca_CA
dc.rightsCopyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors.ca_CA
dc.subjectHand jointsca_CA
dc.subjectFunctional range of motionca_CA
dc.subjectActive range of motionca_CA
dc.subjectActivities of daily livingca_CA
dc.titleFunctional range of motion of the hand joints in activities of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Healthca_CA

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