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dc.contributorSaunders Berry, Kaye Vaughnie
dc.contributor.authorEsteller García, Silvia
dc.descriptionTreball Final del Màster Universitari en Llengua Anglesa per al Comerç Internacional. Codi: SAR016. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016ca_CA
dc.description.abstractPromotion is what companies do when they want to make their business known. They want to show people their values and what they can offer. For a start-up company, promotion is very important because this is the way they can connect with potential customers. However, promoting a company needs, more than spending a lot of time, to have the ideas clear; to have the goals established. Once the company knows what they want to transmit to the potential audience; it is time to think what more suitable ways can be used to promote the company because not all of the available tools will be good for all types of companies. In this thesis, both online and physical ways of promoting the company will be presented. Internet is the best communication tool a company can have. Nowadays there are more than 3.000 million Internet active users and it is the perfect window to show customers what they can find on the company if they visit it. Furthermore, messages can be sent in just one click to a specific person, this is why sending an email to the specific department manager is the best way to shortening distances between one company and its objective. In addition to that, social networks are not designed for personal profiles anymore. They have taken a step further and now they are used to create business bonds. On the other hand, trade shows are still the best way to put a face to that logo on the net; this is why there are 76 international trade shows for fruits and vegetables every year around the world. But not all the business have to be at an international level, it is also beneficial for a company to create bonds at a local level and being the sponsor of different events related with health and nutrition, especially for a company belonging to the fruits sector. In any of the cases, the message transmitted by the company has to be powerful to get as much success as possible.ca_CA
dc.format.extent47 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectMàster Universitari en Llengua Anglesa per al Comerç Internacionalca_CA
dc.subjectMáster Universitario en Lengua Inglesa para el Comercio Internacionalca_CA
dc.subjectMaster's Degree in English Language for International Tradeca_CA
dc.titleMake your start-up company known - analysis of a promotion plan -ca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Postgradoca_CA

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