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dc.contributor.authorAliaga Estellés, José Ignacio
dc.contributor.authorBadía Sala, Rosa María
dc.contributor.authorBarreda Vayá, Maria
dc.contributor.authorBollhöffer, Matthias
dc.contributor.authorDufrechou, Ernesto
dc.contributor.authorEzzatti, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorQuintana-Orti, Enrique S.
dc.identifier.citationALIAGA ESTELLÉS, José Ignacio; BADÍA SALA, Rosa María; BARREDA VAYÁ, María; BOLLHÖFFER, Matthias; DUFRECHOU, Ernesto; EZZATTI, Pablo; QUINTANA ORTÍ, Enrique S. Exploiting Task and Data Parallelism in ILUPACK's Preconditioned CG Solver on NUMA Architectures and Many-core Accelerators. Parallel Computing (2016), v. 54, pp. 97-107ca_CA
dc.description.abstractWe present specialized implementations of the preconditioned iterative linear system solver in ILUPACK for Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) platforms and many-core hardware co-processors based on the Intel Xeon Phi and graphics accelerators. For the conventional x86 architectures, our approach exploits task parallelism via the OmpSs runtime as well as a messagepassing implementation based on MPI, respectively yielding a dynamic and static schedule of the work to the cores, with di erent numeric semantics to those of the sequential ILUPACK. For the graphics processor we exploit data parallelism by o -loading the computationally expensive kernels to the accelerator while keeping the numeric semantics of the sequential case.ca_CA
dc.description.sponsorShipThe authors from the Universitat Jaume I were supported by the projects EU FP7 318793 (Exa2Green), TIN2011-23283 of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and EU FEDER, and P11B2013-20 of the Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa and UJI. Rosa M. Badia was supported by project TIN2012-34557 of MINECO and EU FEDER, and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2009-SGR-980). María Barreda was supported by the FPU program of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.ca_CA
dc.format.extent20 p.ca_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfParallel Computing (2016), v. 54ca_CA
dc.subjectSparse linear systemsca_CA
dc.subjectReconditioned Conjugate Gradient solverca_CA
dc.subjectTask and data parallelismca_CA
dc.subjectMulti-core processorsca_CA
dc.subjectIntel Xeon Phica_CA
dc.subjectGraphics processing units (GPUs)ca_CA
dc.titleExploiting Task and Data Parallelism in ILUPACK's Preconditioned CG Solver on NUMA Architectures and Many-core Acceleratorsca_CA

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