• openAccess   Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate as a Selective and High Current Density Formate Oxidation Electrocatalyst 

      Han, Lijuan; González-Cobos, Jesús; Sánchez-Molina, Irene; Giancola, Stefano; Folkman, Scott; Tang, PengYi; Heggen, Marc; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal; Arbiol, Jordi; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Galan-Mascaros, Jose Ramon American Chemical Society (2020-09-28)
      Herein we report the selectivity, stability, and electrochemical characterization of cobalt hexacyanoferrate, the Co–Fe Prussian Blue derivative (CoFePB), as a formate/formic acid oxidation electrocatalyst in aqueous media. ...
    • closedAccess   Push-PullElectronicEffectsin Surface-ActiveSites EnhanceElectrocatalyticOxygenEvolutionon TransitionMetalOxides 

      Garcés Pineda, Felipe Andrés; Nguyen, Huu Chuong; Blasco Ahicart, Marta; García-Tecedor, Miguel; de fez febre, mabel; Tang, PengYi; Arbiol, Jordi; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Galan-Mascaros, Jose Ramon; Lopez, Nuria Wiley (2021-01-19)
      Sustainable electrocatalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) constitutes a major challenge for the realization of green fuels. Oxides based on Ni and Fe in alkaline media have been proposed to avoid using critical ...