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    • closedAccess   Real-time anomaly detection from environmental data streams 

      Trilles, Sergio; Schade, Sven; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Huerta, Joaquin Springer International Publishing (2015)
      Modern sensor networks monitor a wide range of phenomena. They are applied in environmental monitoring, health care, optimization of industrial processes, social media, smart city solutions, and many other domains. All in ...
    • closedAccess   Real-world Deployment of Privacy-Enhancing Authentication System using Attribute-based Credentials 

      Dzurenda, Petr; Casanova-Marqués, Raúl; Malina, Lukas; Hajny, Jan Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2022)
      With the daily increase in digitalization and integration of the physical and digital worlds, we need to better protect users’ privacy and identity. Attribute-based Credentials (ABCs) seem to be a promising technology ...
    • closedAccess   Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Placement in 5G NR/6G: Optimization and Performance Analysis 

      Brancati, Gianluca; Chukhno, Olga; Chukhno, Nadezhda; ARANITI, Giuseppe IEEE (2022-09-12)
      The reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) adoption has drawn significant attention for the upcoming generation of cellular networks, i.e., 5G New Radio (NR)/6G, as a technology for forming virtual line-of-sight (LoS) ...
    • openAccess   Reflexiones sobre por qué el estudiantado no acude a las actividades complementarias y propuesta de soluciones 

      Montoliu Colás, Raul; Rebollo Santamaría, Cristina; Remolar, Inmaculada JENUI Editores (2022-07)
      En el grado en Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos de la universidad Jaume I de Castellón parte del estudiantado tiene la opinión de que el profesorado que imparte la docencia en el grado deberían ser profesionales del ...
    • openAccess   Reproducible Research and GIScience: An Evaluation Using GIScience Conference Papers 

      Ostermann, Frank; Nüst, Daniel; Granell, Carlos; Hofer, Barbara; Konkol, Markus Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH (2021-09-14)
      GIScience conference authors and researchers face the same computational reproducibility challenges as authors and researchers from other disciplines who use computers to analyse data. Here, to assess the reproducibility ...
    • openAccess   RSS Fingerprinting Dataset Size Reduction Using Feature-Wise Adaptive k-Means Clustering 

      Klus, Lucie; Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Lohan, Elena Simona; Granell, Carlos; Nurmi, Jari IEEE (2020-10)
      Modern IoT devices, that include smartphones and wearables, usually have limited resources. They require efficient methods to optimize the use of internal storage, provide computational efficiency, and reduce energy ...
    • openAccess   Semantic DESCaaS - Extending the Description as a Service Concept to Enable Semantic Annotations 

      Michels, Henry; Roth, Marcell; Beltran Fonollosa, Arturo AGILE (2012)
      Semantic interoperability covers the conflict-free and meaningful exchange of resources by improving the mutual understanding of participants in a communication process. Especially, the communication between humans via ...
    • openAccess   Semi-supervised Classification for Remote Sensing Datasets 

      Hernandez-Sequeira, Itza; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Xu, Yonghao; Ghamisi, Pedram; Pla, Filiberto Springer (2023-09-11)
      Deep semi-supervised learning (DSSL) is a rapidly-growing field that takes advantage of a limited number of labeled examples to leverage massive amounts of unlabeled data. The underlying idea is that training on small yet ...
    • closedAccess   SEN23E: A Cloudless Geo-Referenced Multi-Spectral Sentinel-2/Sentinel-3 Dataset for Data Fusion Analysis 

      Ibáñez Fernández, Damián; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Pla, Filiberto IEEE (2022-07)
      The availability of geo-referenced coupled data of dif-ferent platforms is essential to train remote sensing (RS) multi-modal classification and bio-phyiscal parameter esti-mation learning methods. To properly develop a ...
    • openAccess   Senior Monitoring: A Real Case of Applying a WiFi Fingerprinting-based Indoor Positioning Method for People Monitoring 

      Montoliu Colás, Raul; Sansano-Sansano, Emilio; Gascó, Arturo; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Caballer Miedes, Antonio CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2019)
      This paper presents our experience on a real case of applying a Wi-Fi fingerprinting-based indoor localization system for monitoring elder people in their own homes. The presented system is part of a broad project called ...
    • closedAccess   Single-pixel imaging through turbid media by combining a programmable light source and a DMD 

      Ipus, Erick; Lenz, Armin; Lancis, Jesús; Paniagua Diaz, Alba Maria; Artal, Pablo; Tajahuerce, Enrique Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) (2023-03-15)
      Imaging through turbid media remains a relevant topic in biomedical imaging. In this contribution, we propose the combination of frequency domain imaging (SFDI) and single-pixel imaging (SPI) to image objects hidden by a ...
    • openAccess   Single-pixel spatial frequency domain imaging with integrating detection 

      Lenz, Armin; Clemente, Pere; Climent, Vicent; Lancis, Jesús; Tajahuerce, Enrique Optica Publishing Group (2021-06-20)
      We present a spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) system based on single-pixel imaging (SPI) techniques with a single digital micromirror device (DMD) modulating simultaneously the sinusoidal pattern and the spatial ...
    • openAccess   Single-Pixel Structured Illumination Microscopy 

      Ordóñez, Luis; Lenz, Armin; Lancis, Jesús; Tajahuerce, Enrique Optica Publishing Group (2023)
      We describe a single-pixel imaging microscope with super-resolution properties based on structured illumination microscopy. Spatially resolved patterns are used to expand the frequency spectrum of sampling patterns in the ...
    • openAccess   Smartphone Distance Estimation Based on RSSI-Fuzzy Classification Approach 

      Pascacio, Pavel; Casteleyn, Sven; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2021-06-15)
      Positioning people indoors has known an exponential growth in the last few years, especially thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology and the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) technique. This approach is ...
    • closedAccess   Spatiotemporal Prediction of Nitrogen Dioxide Based on Graph Neural Networks 

      Iskandaryan, Ditsuhi; Ramos, Francisco; Trilles, Sergio Springer (2022-11-10)
      Air quality prediction, especially spatiotemporal prediction, is still a challenging issue. Considering the impact of numerous factors on air quality causes difficulties in integrating these factors in a spatiotemporal ...
    • closedAccess   Strong dipolar interaction in aperiodic Twisted Phononic Crystal Plates – METAMATERIALS 2021 

      Martí-Sabaté, Marc; Torrent, Daniel IEEE (2021)
      Localization of waves is studied by means of multiple scattering theory in a (2D) arrangement configuration. Studied structures belong to the so called twisted lattices. Results found show that, for a given frequency, ...
    • openAccess   TAG: A Tabletop Games Framework 

      Gaina, Raluca; Balla, Martin; Dockhorn, Alexander; Montoliu Colás, Raul CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2020-10-23)
      Tabletop games come in a variety of forms, including board games, card games, and dice games. In recent years, their complexity has considerably increased, with many components, rules that change dynamically through the ...
    • closedAccess   Temporal stability on human activity recognition based on Wi-Fi CSI 

      Matey-Sanz, Miguel; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Moreira, Adriano IEEE (2023-12-06)
      Over the last years, numerous studies have emerged using Wi-Fi channel state information, enabling device-free (passive) sensing for applications such as motion detection, indoor positioning or human activity recognition. ...
    • openAccess   The Percepción Smart Campus system 

      Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos-D.; Granell, Emilio; Rambla Risueño, David; Calia, Andrea; Luján, Alejandro; Amat, Guillermo; Ramos, Ángel; Benedí, José-Miguel; Sanchis, Alberto IberSpeech (2014-11)
      This paper presents the capabilities of the Smart Campus system developed during the Percepcion project. The Smart Campus system is able to locate the user of the application in a limited environment, including indoor ...
    • closedAccess   Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets 

      Klus, Lucie; Quezada Gaibor, Darwin; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Lohan, Elena Simona; Granell, Carlos; Nurmi, Jari IEEE (2022)
      The localization speed and accuracy in the indoor scenario can greatly impact the Quality of Experience of the user. While many individual machine learning models can achieve comparable positioning performance, their ...