• openAccess   Cities and geodiversity: coexistence of humans and abiotic nature in urban territories 

      Fraga de Araújo Pereira, Ricardo Galeno; Flores Urushima, Andrea; Alexandre Yamashiki, Yosuke Universitat Jaume I. Servei d'Activitats Socioculturals (SASC); Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2020)
      Urbanization is an irreversible global process. Natural elements and systems present in city territories or at non-city sites attend to the demands for natural assets from urbanization processes. Renewed attention to the ...
    • openAccess   Literature Review on Cultural Governance and Cities 

      Baltà Portolés, Jordi; Čopič, Vesna; Srakar, Andrej Universitat Jaume I. Servei d'Activitats Socioculturals (SASC) (2014)
      This article, written by Vesna Čopič, Andrej Srakar and Jordi Baltà, examines recent literature in the field of cultural governance, with particular emphasis on its implications for local cultural policies.
    • openAccess   Valuing Culture in the Global City 

      Holden, John Universitat Jaume I. Servei d'Activitats Socioculturals (SASC) (2014)
      Culture encompasses three highly inter-related spheres of publicly funded culture, commercial culture and home-made culture. Cultural policy-making therefore needs to address many issues beyond traditional concerns.