• openAccess   Preparación de electrolitos sólidos de X-BI203: (1-X)LI1.3AL0.3T1.7(PO4)3 por sinterización en frío 

      Mormeneo-Segarra, Andrés; Ferrer Nicomedes, Sergio; Vicente-Agut, Nuria; Barba-Juan, Antonio Universitat Jaume I (2023-09)
      Actualmente el mundo afronta graves problemas energéticos derivados de la escasez de recursos así como del elevado impacto ambiental que presentan los combustibles fósiles. Como alternativa, el uso de energías renovables ...
    • openAccess   Tile decoration with greener technologies: spray pyrolysis and solution combustion synthesis for alternative colorations 

      Palacios Tejero, Maria Dolores; Fernández-Zapata, J. L.; Raro Clemente, Ivan; Mestre Beltrán, Sergio Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- BarcelonaTECH. (2018-10)
      The great concern about environmental impacts of different industries if forcing the research in more nature-friendly processes. In the case of ceramic tiles manufacture, decoration stage consumes pigments or frits for ...
    • openAccess   Wastes from industrial processes introduced as chamottes in ceramic membranes 

      Lorente Ayza, Maria Magdalena; Bordes Navarro, Mari Carmen; Sales Pla, Sonia; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Ugarte, P.; Ramo, A.; Menéndez, M.; Peña, J. A.; Zuriaga Agustí, E.; Santateresa, E.; Gosalbo Nebot, Ana; Rubert, J.; Sos, O.; Basiero, José Antonio Universitat Politècnica de València. Research Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM). Prometeo Research Group (Membrane Processes and Environmental Effluent Treatment) (2018-07-09)
      In the present work, chamottes generated as subproducts by different industrial processes have been used to obtain low-cost ceramic membranes.