Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • openAccess   Caso clínico: Plan individualizado de rehabilitación de una persona con enfermedad mental, inmigrante en situación irregular y en exclusión social. 

      Quintana Castellano, Fátima del Carmen Universitat Jaume I (2019-10-11)
      The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to describe the development and execution of an Individualized Rehabilitation Plan (PIR) on a case of a 33-year-old person, African, an undocumented immigrant, in an illegal situation ...
    • closedAccess   Estigma en los CRPS 

      Estévez Fernández, Concepción de los Milagros Universitat Jaume I (2017-11-09)
      The purpose of a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center is to, through interventions, recover and / or acquire basic skills and abilities for the development of a daily life in community, always in the most autonomous and ...
    • openAccess   Estigma en los profesionales de salud mental 

      Sánchez Castillo, María del Pilar Universitat Jaume I (2016-10-11)
      Las personas diagnosticadas de alguna enfermedad mental sufren la estigmatización de la enfermedad desde los diversos ámbitos que los rodean. Los profesionales de la salud mental no son ajenos a estos procesos de ...
    • openAccess   El estigma en personas con patología dual como barrera de acceso y adherencia en recursos tratamentales-asistenciales. 

      Calderón Calvo, Claudia Universitat Jaume I (2018-10-08)
      Throughout the present Final Project, it is addressed, on the one hand, the phenomenon of stigma towards people with dual pathology, that is, the co-occurrence, in the same individual, of a severe mental disorder and a ...
    • openAccess   Estigma y cuidador principal en la persona con esquizofrenia 

      Roca Roca, María Dolores Universitat Jaume I (2015-10-07)
      La esquizofrenia se caracteriza por una distorsión del pensamiento, las percepciones, las emociones, el lenguaje, la conciencia de sí mismo y la conducta. Las personas con esquizofrenia corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir ...
    • openAccess   Estigma y enfermedad mental. Un caso real 

      Gómez Benedicto, María Universitat Jaume I (2017-11-09)
      This essay reviews the history of stigmas that are associated to mental illness and the different types that are related to it. Besides, it tries to give a practical example of how we could overcome this very stigma through ...
    • closedAccess   Estigma y enfermedad mental: revisión bibliogràfica. 

      Chuquimia Rueda, Miguel Segundo Universitat Jaume I (2019-10-14)
      Introduction: The stigma towards people with mental illnesses is very high in our society, for this reason, the objective of this bibliographic review is to know the attitudes and beliefs that society has about mental ...
    • closedAccess   Identidad: más allá de un diagnóstico. 

      Pazos Abeleira, Patricia Universitat Jaume I (2018-07-20)
      Persons who receive a diagnostic Mental health tag suffer the application of coercive measures inside the daily practice of the professionals who attent to them. There exist less subtle coercive measurements as the stigma, ...
    • closedAccess   Lucha contra el estigma en las aulas a través de la sensibilización y el empoderamiento. 

      Serrano Vázquez, Raquel Universitat Jaume I (2019-10-25)
      This paper presents a project to be carried out by a first-person association, with the aim of eradicating or fighting stigma based primarily on the concept of empowerment. The population to which it is addressed are ...