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dc.contributorUniversitat Jaume I. Departament d'Economia
dc.contributor.authorMor Lecha, Laura
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs: 2013/2014ca_CA
dc.description.abstractThis work attempts to study the relationship between trade and costs of road transport. First, we analyze trade and transport in the world economy and then we focus in more detail on European transport. To analyze the influence of the transports costs on the trade, we estimate a regression model where we include explanatory variables as distance, the GDP per capita for importer countries as well as for exporter country and dummies on specific characteristics of trade flows. In doing so, exports by road among Spain and EU-27 countries are considered. Furthermore, we make an estimation for three relevant sectors in road transport. The results of both estimations allow us to know more about the relevance of transport and logistics when explaining the determinants of European trade.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Spain*
dc.subjectGrau en Economiaca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Economíaca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Economicsca_CA
dc.subjectDistribución logísticaca_CA
dc.subjectTransporte por carreteraca_CA
dc.subjectTransporte de mercanciasca_CA
dc.subject.otherTransport de mercaderiesca_CA
dc.subject.otherTransport per carreteraca_CA
dc.subject.otherDistribució logísticaca_CA
dc.titleTrade and road transport : spanish exports to the European Unionca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Spain
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Spain