Ara mostrant els elements 21-40 d 292

    • openAccess   Assessing convergence across the European Union 

      Muñoz Sáez, Alejandro Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      This paper assesses the convergence of 131 regions from 13 countries belonging to the European Union. The variable analysed is the log per capita GDP. For the assessment of this convergence we propose two steps: First, ...
    • closedAccess   Youth unemployment in European Union : short run prediction 

      Mateo Heredia, Ángel Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Generally, young people are the most affected in the labour market in Europe, youth unemployment rates are higher than the overall unemployment in all the countries of the Union. But there are big differences between the ...
    • openAccess   Twin deficits hypothesis for European countries 

      Laborda Deltoro, Sandra Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Recently, several European economies have suffered a deterioration in their fiscal and current account imbalances. The global crisis has contributed to possible linkages between fiscal and current account deficits. These ...
    • openAccess   An empirical examination of the relationship between wages and education 

      Martí Linares, Rosa María Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Education is a human right that allow people to develop their skills, improve their productivity and their living conditions. Education has long been recognized as an important foundation for sustained economic growth. ...
    • closedAccess   Foreig direct investment and FDI-Growth nexus : the case of Mexico 

      Mundina Núñez, Axel Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      The main objective of this essay is to demonstrate the FDI-growth nexus and to clarify the role of some local conditions in the host economy on this relationship. The evolution of FDI in international capital flows has ...
    • closedAccess   Mercosur-European Union trade flows : a gravity model approach 

      Llorens Gellida, Miguel Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Nowadays, European Union and Mercosur are involved into a process of formal negotiations between their respective zones. Nevertheless, there are several previous trade agreements signed between both trade blocks since the ...
    • closedAccess   Unemployment in Europe 

      Martínez Guerra, Tatiana Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Throughout the following study we will see different important aspects regarding unemployment. Firstly we will define the concept of unemployment as well as its main types. Secondly we will comment the main agents that ...
    • closedAccess   Relation between debt and crisis in the eurozone 

      Mustieles Peris, Manuel Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      As it is usually suggested, the crises are a part of the economic cycles. In their growth stage the imbalances are disguised by the economic goodness and then to be corrected in a recession period and so start a new ...
    • closedAccess   The role of information on the strategies of traders in experimental asset markets 

      Le Berre Castillo, Xavier Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of investors in experimental asset markets under different information treatments. This experiment is an extension of Alfarano et al. work (On the role of hereogeneous and imperfect ...
    • closedAccess   European wine exports : a gravity approach for the case of Spain 

      Moles Moles, María Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Currently, the wine sector is undergoing major changes. Many countries are involved in the wine trade so this issue creates a great interest worldwide. The main objective of this analysis is to evaluate the main determinants ...
    • openAccess   Inequality and growth 

      Gallén Porcar, Fernando Universitat Jaume I (2015-01-26)
      Inequality is a phenomenon which is analysed from many points of view. Several studies find that inequality is positive for economic growth whereas some other reports believe it is unfavourable for the economy’s improvement. ...
    • openAccess   Wealth inequality in Spain 

      Carda Herreros, Paula Universitat Jaume I (2015-06)
      This paper analyzes the evolution in inequality in wealth between 2002 and 2011 in Spain, using data from the Spanish Survey of Household Finances. Spanish households’ net wealth, especially housing equity, has substantially ...
    • closedAccess   Do diesel prices respond asymmetrically to crude oil price changes? The case of Spain 

      Arín Beltrán, José Joaquín Universitat Jaume I (2015-06)
      In this work we will study the transmission of Brent prices to retail gasoil prices in Spain. First, we describe the main theoretical aspects related with pricing behavior asymmetries. Second, we carry out a review of ...
    • closedAccess   Maritime Connectivity, maritime traffic of containers and international competitiveness 

      Dellá Lluch, Paula Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-15)
      Nowadays containerization in shipping is the most representative possibility for the maritime traffic of goods. But the container is not transported by itself; it needs the means of transport adapted to move it around ...
    • closedAccess   The impact of FDI on the host country: the role or local capacities 

      Vilar Martínez, Vicent Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-15)
      The increasing importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) around the world requires a necessity to analyze its impact on the host country. Some economic agents think that FDI enhances growth only for taking place. And ...
    • openAccess   Has the European Monetary Union stimulated labor market reforms leading Eurozone countries to converge? 

      Benedito Albalat, Balma Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-16)
      The movement from the Original to the Endogenous Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) theory implied that candidates for a monetary union were not required to comply with a number of economic conditions before the incorporation, ...
    • closedAccess   Automotive fuels: potential factors of the price variations and univariate predictions of future prices in Spain 

      Rodríguez Haro, Axel Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-16)
      The aims of this paper are two. Firstly, to make known more precise and clearly the factors that are related to continuous variations in the price paid by consumers for the automotive fuel purchase in Spain while secondly, ...
    • openAccess   Determinants of the current account for a group of European countries 

      Curto Sastre, Sheila Universitat Jaume I (2015-07)
      This paper has tried to find some of the determinants of the current account in six European countries to try to explain why some of them have surpluses and other current account deficit. By regressing six explanatory ...
    • openAccess   The Spanish Household Indebtedness. The Role of Socio-demographic Factors and Economic Cycle 

      Romero López, José Universitat Jaume I (2015-07)
      The last decade has witnessed a big increase in households’ indebtedness. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of some socio-demographic factors and the economic cycle in determining the probability of holding debt ...
    • openAccess   Aggregating individual risk aversion for the study of complex and risky group decision making 

      Irles Cubedo, María Universitat Jaume I (2015-07-13)
      This paper focuses on decision making under risk, comparing individual and risk preferences based on an experiment that consist on a lottery choice (individual) and a business game simulator (group) taking into account ...