• closedAccess   Self-motivation strategies in second language learning 

      Prior Bruno, Maria Soledat Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      In the field of Applied Linguistics, the acquisition of languages has become the object of study of numerous investigations. In fact, a great number of works have focused on the acquisition of foreign and second languages. ...
    • openAccess   Self-Sacrifice vs Self-Preservation in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 

      García Ávila, Jéssica Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-07)
      Thomas Hardy is distinguished by the controversy created by his special portrayal of the Victorian woman. Aiming at detaching the female figure from the contemporary ideal of the perfect and pure woman, his heroines are ...
    • closedAccess   Serials for Integrating Pragmatics in EFL Educational Contexts: A Research-based Proposal for Developing Refusals 

      Llansola Chiva, Elsa Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-12)
      Over the span of the last few decades, pragmatics has risen to prominence amongst linguistics literature. Pragmatics, the study of meaning in interaction, happens to be pivotal when developing educational curricula from a ...
    • closedAccess   Sexual Repression vs. Sexual Openness in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home 

      Bort Menero, Diamar Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-04)
      The African-American Civil Rights Revolution during the 60s unleashed a period of general awakening where fundamental rights started to beclaimed for marginal collectives, especially for the LGBTQcommunity. Homosexual ...
    • closedAccess   Shakespeare’s Hamlet and its cinema adaptations an analysis 

      Ballester Fernández, Beatriz Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-08)
      The longest and best of the Bard’s tragedies is well known all over the world. However, depending on the eye of the beholder, Hamlet is seen in different ways. Basically, to adapt what is undoubtedly the greatest work in ...
    • closedAccess   Show’em the Ropes: The Importance of Teaching ‘Slang’ in EFL Settings 

      Rubert Albiol, Andrea Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-06)
      Slang has made its way into our everyday language and nowadays even dictionaries add words like Google, emoji and selfie. Slang language determines the way one community of speakers adapts to linguistic arising needs. ...
    • closedAccess   Skype in the classroom: A necessary web tool connecting cultures all over the world 

      Barberá Sanmiguel, Borja Universitat Jaume I (2019-06-12)
      For a long time, information and communication technologies have been breaking into society and directly influencing the lives of people. The incorporation of these new technologies has revolutionized several fields, but ...
    • closedAccess   Slang Knowledge among Spanish Students of English 

      Bartolomé García, Eloy Universitat Jaume I (2016-06-15)
      Defining and studying slang has always been a difficult task because of its oral use and limited written records. It is a lexicon known and used by native English communities of speakers but it is unknown the knowledge ...
    • closedAccess   Social networking: the evolution of the English language 

      Sánchez Alfaro, Pedro Universitat Jaume I (2015-09-17)
      This paper reports on the results of an innovative study about a social networking tool and its influence on the English language. The exploratory study, framed within a conventional collection data approach compiled ...
    • closedAccess   Social Networks: New Patterns of Language 

      Amankwaa Donkor, Jennifer Universitat Jaume I (2016-06-16)
      In recent years, due to the increase of the use of technologies, there have been different opinions about its use and its effects. The present paper aims to explore the aspects of the use of technology in different cases. ...
    • openAccess   “Something was set between the words and the world”: Trauma and Testimony in the Poetry of World War II 

      Frasno Viñuelas, Sara Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-07)
      Research in trauma theory in literature has gained prominence in the last couple of decades, especially since 1996, with the publication of Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience and Tal’s Worlds of Hurt. Trauma studies, however, ...
    • closedAccess   Spanish as a second language in two english schools : a case study 

      Ouskir Abdelmoulí, Sofía; Fernández Guerra, Ana Belén Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      The aim of this project is to provide a portrait of second language learning in a foreign country (England) and to have an overall point of view about language learning in England from students. In the same line, Language ...
    • closedAccess   Spanish speakers of English as a Foreing Language current pronunciation errors: The case of /ʃ/ /ʒ/ and /v/ 

      Cala Remigio, Saily Delia Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-12)
      The process of learning English as a foreign language can be challenging for some Spanish learners (Carrillo, & Gayoso, 2008) because it involves acquiring and developing new skills including reading, writing, listening ...
    • closedAccess   Spanish teenagers’ acquisition of english as a foreign language: a focus on L1 influence 

      Salvador Daròs, Marina Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-07)
      The main objective of this dissertation is to examine specific L1 transfer errors from three different groups of secondary school learners of English as a foreign language, as well as to determine the general view of ...
    • closedAccess   Specialised language of science and technology and communication 

      Gil García, María José Universitat Jaume I (2014-09-24)
      This paper has a twofold objective. On the one hand, it tries to describe the specific linguistic features that allow differentiation between general and specialised scientific and technical language. On the other hand, ...
    • closedAccess   Spoken Interaction in the Foreign Language Classroom 

      Pedra Agut, Irina Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-22)
    • closedAccess   Study of potential application of literary texts in language teaching 

      Bordas Sierra, Miguel Ángel Universitat Jaume I (2014)
      The following academic paper deals with acknowledging the potential application in incorporating literary texts in language classes as a tool to teach English as a second language, the paper will also focus on discussing ...
    • closedAccess   Study on language attrition 

      Cebrià López, Carolina Universitat Jaume I (2015-06-19)
      Nowadays, people do not know if they are or not aware of one of the most significant issues of immigrant population across different countries; the contact among languages in dissimilar situations can affect the skills of ...
    • closedAccess   Surveillance and Language Manipulation in "1984" 

      López Ruiz, Carla Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      This paper presents the importance of surveillance and language manipulation in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. In the first section, I provide a brief introduction about how the thesis is going to be arranged, ...
    • closedAccess   Symbolism in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening 

      Miró Juan, Eva Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-11)
      The aim of this paper is to present an interpretative analysis of the imagery and symbolism in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. This analysis has been undertaken from a feminist perspective while always taking the reader ...