Versión Íntegra

Número 5 (2007) completo. p. 1-298

Presentación / Editorial / Articles

1. Presentación: Metáfora y discurso/Editorial: Metaphor and Discourse. Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando; José Luis Otal Campo; Antonio José Silvestre López p. 5-6

Artículos / Articles

2. Finding Metaphor in Discourse: Pragglejaz and Beyond. Gerard Steen p. 9-25

3. Is This a Metaphor? On the Difficult Task of Identifying Metaphors in Scientific Discourse. Juliana Goschler p. 27-41

4. Discourse, Semantics and Metonymy. José Luis Otal Campo p. 43-57

5. Conceptual Metaphor and Text Development: a Narratological Perspective. Diane Ponterotto p. 59-73

6. Metonymy and Anaphoric Reference: Anaphoric Reference to a Metonymic Antecedent in Dude, Where’s My Country, Stupid White Men, The Da Vinci Code and Deception Point. Antonio José Silvestre López p. 75-91

7. Metonymic modelling of discourse, discourse modelling of metonymy: the case of the place-name based metonymies. Georgeta Cislaru p. 93-110

8. Defining semantic and prosodic tools for the analysis of live metaphor uses in Spoken Corpora. Gilles Cloiseau p. 111-129

9. What Do Learners Need to Know about the Figurative Extensions of Target Language Words? A Contrastive, Corpus-Based Analysis of Thread, Hilar, Wing and Aletear. Jeannette Littlemore, Fiona MacArthur p. 131-149

10. The rhetorical dimension of printed advertising: a discourse-analytical approach. Raquel Segovia p. 151-163

11. Mystifying through Metaphors and Lexical Choice. Júlia Todolí; Montserrat Ribas p. 165-176

12. Colours We Live by?: Red and Green Metaphors in English and Spanish. Ana Laura Rodríguez Redondo; Silvia Molina Plaza p. 177-193

13. The Construction of the Concept Internet through Metaphors. Mª Dolores Porto Requejo p. 195-207

14. Internet metaphors: a cross-linguistic perspective. Alexander Tokar p. 209-220

15. Two levels of blending with Homophonic Compounds in Japanese. Reijirou Shibasaki p. 221-239

16. Who Is to Believe When You Bet: on Non-Referential Indexical Functions of the Pronoun You in English. Katherine Hrisonopulo p. 241-253

17. Metaphoric extension and invited inferencing in semantic change. Karen Sullivan p. 255-271

18. Metáfora, sinestesia y otras figuras retóricas en El perfume. Historia de un asesino, de P. Süskind. Mª Victoria Gaspar Verdúi p. 273-283

Reseñas / Reviews

19. Reseña de / Review of "Culturas cara a cara. Relatos y actividades para la comunicación intercultural". Dídac Llorens Cubedo p. 285-287

20. Reseña de / Review of "In-roads of Language. Essays in English Studies". José Fernando García Castillo p. 287-288