• openAccess   Un enfoque sociogrupal del acoso escolar: roles participantes y estatus sociométrico 

      Górriz Plumed, Ana Belén; Villanueva, Lidón; Cuervo, Keren; Adrián Serrano, Juan Emilio Asociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia y Mayores (2010)
      In this study, bullying at school is analysed from a sociogrupal perspective, whose main interest is to know the roles adopted by peers in bullying situations (Salmivalli, Lagerspetz, Björkqvist, Österman y Kaukiainen, ...
    • openAccess   Los programas de mediación entre iguales: una herramienta eficaz para la convivencia escolar 

      Villanueva, Lidón; Usó Guiral, Inmaculada; Adrián Serrano, Juan Emilio Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Andalucía Occidental (2013)
      Although the advantages of peer mediation systems are outstanding, few studies have included a longitudinal de- sign and a scientific measure of the impact of these programs. In this sense, the objective of this study was ...
    • openAccess   La mediación como prevención del bullying 

      Guillamón Oliva, María Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-12)
      In our society, the phenomenon of bullying is frequently manifested and is one of the most serious problems within the school environment due to the difficulty of its detection and the moral and psychological damage that ...