• closedAccess   Virtual reality exposure and imaginal exposure in the treatment of fear of flying: a pilot study 

      Rus Calafell, Mar; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Botella, Cristina; Baños, Rosa Maria Sage (2013-07)
      Fear of flying (FF) is an impairing psychological disorder that is extremely common in developed countries. The most effective treatment for this particular type of phobia is exposure therapy. However, there are few studies ...
    • openAccess   Virtual reality versus computer-aided exposure treatments for fear of flying 

      Tortella Feliu, Miquel; Botella, Cristina; Llabrés, Jordi; Bretón-López, Juana; Riera López del Amo, Antonio; Baños, Rosa Maria; Gelabert, Joan M. Sage Publications (2011-01)
      Evidence is growing that two modalities of computer-based exposure therapies—virtual reality and computer-aided psychotherapy—are effective in treating anxiety disorders, including fear of flying. However, they have not ...