• openAccess   Comparison results for capacity 

      Hurtado, Ana; Palmer Andreu, Vicente; Ritoré, Manuel Indiana University Mathematics Journal (2012)
      We obtain in this paper bounds for the capacity of a compact set $K$. If $K$ is contained in an $(n+1)$-dimensional Cartan-Hadamard manifold, has smooth boundary, and the principal curvatures of $\partial K$ are larger ...
    • openAccess   Estudio de las curvas geodésicas y los tensores curvatura de Riemann y Ricci en variedades semiriemannianas 

      González Ibáñez, Fernán Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-22)
      En este trabajo partimos de los conocimientos adquiridos en la asignatura de Geometr´ıa diferencial y topolog´ıa para realizar un estudio de las curvas geod´esicas y la curvatura de ciertas variedades. Comenzaremos ...
    • openAccess   Volume growth and the Cheeger isoperimetric constant of submanifolds 

      Gimeno, Vicent; Palmer Andreu, Vicente arXiv.org (2011)
      We obtain an estimate of the Cheeger isoperimetric constant in terms of the volume growth for a properly immersed submanifold in a Riemannian manifold which possesses at least one pole and sectional curvature bounded from above .
    • openAccess   Volume growth, number of ends and the topology of complete submanifolds 

      Gimeno, Vicent; Palmer Andreu, Vicente arXIV (2012)
      Given a complete isometric immersion $\phi: P^m \longrightarrow N^n$ in an ambient Riemannian manifold $N^n$ with a pole and with radial sectional curvatures bounded from above by the corresponding radial sectional curvatures ...