• openAccess   Mother's education and the risk of preterm and small for gestational age birth: a DRIVERS meta-analysis of 12 European cohorts 

      Ruiz, Milagros; Goldblatt, Peter; Morrison, Joana; Kukla, Lubomír; Švancara, Jan; Riitta-Järvelin, Marjo; Taanila, Anja; Saurel-Cubizolles, Marie-Josèphe; Lioret, Sandrine; Bakoula, Chryssa; Veltsista, Alexandra; Porta, Daniela; Forastiere, Francesco; van Eijsden, Manon; Vrijkotte, Tanja G. M.; Eggesbø, Merete; White, Richard A.; Barros, Henrique; Correia, Sofia; Vrijheid, Martine; Torrent, Maties; Rebagliato, Marisa; Larrañaga, Isabel; Ludvigsson, Johnny; Faresjö, Åshild Olsen; Hryhorczuk, Daniel; Antipkin, Youriy; Marmot, Michael; Pikhart, Hynek BMJ Publishing Group (2015-04-24)
      Background A healthy start to life is a major priority in efforts to reduce health inequalities across Europe, with important implications for the health of future generations. There is limited combined evidence on ...
    • closedAccess   Poor mothers, unhealthy children: the transmission of health inequalities in the INMA study, Spain 

      Larrañaga, Isabel; SANTA MARINA, LORETO; Molinuevo Auzmendi, Amaia; Álvarez Pedrerol, Mar; Fernández Somoano, Ana; Jiménez Zabala, Ana; Rebagliato, Marisa; Rodríguez-Bernal, Clara L.; Tardon, Adonina; Vrijheid, Martine; Ibarluzea, Jesus Oxford University Press (2019-06)
      Background The health of pregnant women and their fetuses are especially sensitive to socioeconomic conditions. This study analyzes the impact of maternal socioeconomic status (SES), evaluated by occupation and maternal ...
    • openAccess   Risk of child poverty and social exclusion in two Spanish regions: social and family determinants 

      Gonzalez, Llúcia; Estarlich, Marisa; Murcia, Mario; Larrañaga, Isabel; BARRETO-ZARZA, FLORENCIA; SANTA MARINA, LORETO; Arranz, Enrique; Cirugeda, Lourdes; Simó, Sandra; Rebagliato, Marisa Elsevier (2020-01-21)
      Objetivo: Describir el riesgo de pobreza y exclusión social en ni˜nos/as de 8-11 a˜nos de Gipuzkoa y Valencia(Españaa), mediante los indicadores AROPE (At Risk Of Poverty or Social Exclusion), y evaluar sus factores asociados ...