• closedAccess   Effects of caffeine on ethanol-elicited place preference, place aversion and ERK phosphorylation in CD-1 mice 

      Porru, Simona; Maccioni, Riccardo; Bassareo, Valentina; PEANA, Alessandra Tiziana; Salamone, John SAGE Publishing (2020-10-24)
      Background: Epidemiological studies indicate a rise in the combined consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, which can lead to increased risk of alcoholic-beverage overconsumption. However, the effects of the ...
    • closedAccess   Piecing together the puzzle of acetaldehyde as a neuroactive agent 

      Correa, Merce; Salamone, John; Segovia, Kristen N.; Pardo Andrés, Marta; Longoni, Rosanna; Spina, Liliana; PEANA, Alessandra Tiziana; Vinci, Stefania; Acquas, Elio Elsevier (2012-01)
      Mainly known for its more famous parent compound, ethanol, acetaldehyde was first studied in the 1940s, but then research interest in this compound waned. However, in the last two decades, research on acetaldehyde has seen ...