• openAccess   ABA Is Required for Plant Acclimation to a Combination of Salt and Heat Stress 

      Suzuki, Nobuhiro; Bassil, Elias; Hamilton, Jason S.; Inupakutika, Madhuri; I Zandalinas, Sara; Tripathy, Deesha; Luo, Yuting; Dion, Erin; Fukui, Ginga; Kumazaki, Ayana; Nakano, Ruka; Rivero, Rosa M; Verbeck, Guido F.; Azad, Rajeev K.; Blumwald, Eduardo; Mittler, Ron Public Library Science (2016-01-29)
      Abiotic stresses such as drought, heat or salinity are a major cause of yield loss worldwide. Recent studies revealed that the acclimation of plants to a combination of different environmental stresses is unique and cannot ...
    • openAccess   ABA is required for the accumulation of APX1 and MBF1c during a combination of water deficit and heat stress 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Arbona, Vicent; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Inupakutika, Madhuri; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2016-08)
      Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a key role in plant acclimation to abiotic stress. Although recent studies suggested that ABA could also be important for plant acclimation to a combination of abiotic stresses, its role in this ...
    • closedAccess   Coordinating the overall stomatal response of plants: Rapid leaf-to-leaf communication during light stress 

      Devireddy, Amith R.; I Zandalinas, Sara; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Blumwald, Eduardo; Mittler, Ron American Association for the Advancement of Science (2018)
      The plant canopy functions as an aerial array of light-harvesting antennas. To achieve maximal yield, each leaf within this array and the array as a whole need to rapidly adjust to naturally occurring fluctuations in light ...
    • openAccess   Developing climate-resilient crops: improving plant tolerance to stress combination 

      Rivero, Rosa M; Mittler, Ron; Blumwald, Eduardo; I Zandalinas, Sara Wiley (2021-09-05)
      Global warming and climate change are driving an alarming increase in the frequency and intensity of different abiotic stresses, such as droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, and flooding, negatively affecting crop yields and ...
    • openAccess   Differential regulation of flower transpiration during abiotic stress in annual plants 

      Sinha, Ranjita; I Zandalinas, Sara; Fichman, Yosef; Sen, Sidharth; Zeng, Shuai; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Joshi, Trupti; Fritschi, Felix; Mittler, Ron Wiley (2022-04-20)
      Heat waves occurring during droughts can have a devastating impact on yield, especially if they happen during the flowering and seed set stages of the crop cycle. Global warming and climate change are driving an alarming ...
    • openAccess   Differential transpiration between pods and leaves during stress combination in soybean 

      Sinha, Ranjita; Shostak, Benjamin; Induri, Sai Preethi; Sen, Sidharth; I Zandalinas, Sara; Joshi, Trupti; Fritschi, Felix; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2023-02-22)
      Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts, heat waves, and their combinations, diminishing agricultural productivity and destabilizing societies worldwide. We recently reported that ...
    • closedAccess   High temperatures modify plant responses to abiotic stress conditions 

      Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio Wiley (2020)
      Climate change is altering environments in which plants and different crops grow and survive. We already experienced an increase in worldwide average earth surface temperatures, as well as frequency and extent of damaging ...
    • openAccess   HPCA1 is required for systemic reactive oxygen species and calcium cell-to-cell signaling and plant acclimation to stress 

      Fichman, Yosef; I Zandalinas, Sara; Peck, Scott; Luan, Sheng; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2022-08-04)
      Reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced by respiratory burst oxidase homologs (RBOHs) at the apoplast, play a key role in local and systemic cell-to-cell signaling, required for plant acclimation to stress. Here we reveal ...
    • closedAccess   Integration of reactive oxygen species and hormone signaling during abiotic stress 

      Devireddy, Amith R; I Zandalinas, Sara; Fichman, Yosef; Mittler, Ron John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2020-10-04)
      Each year, abiotic stress conditions such as drought, heat, salinity, cold and particularly their different combinations, inflict a heavy toll on crop productivity worldwide. The effects of these adverse conditions on plant ...
    • openAccess   Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid modulate systemic reactive oxygen species signaling during stress response 

      Myers, Ronald; Fichman, Yosef; I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2022-09-29)
      Plants can send long-distance cell-to-cell signals from a single tissue subjected to stress to the entire plant. This ability is termed “systemic signaling” and is essential for plant acclimation to stress and/or defense ...
    • openAccess   Jasmonic Acid Is Required for Plant Acclimation to a Combination of High Light and Heat Stress 

      Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Sengupta, Soham; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Fritschi, Felix; Azad, Rajeev K.; Mittler, Ron; I Zandalinas, Sara American Society of Plant Biologists (2019)
      In the field, plants experience high light (HL) intensities that are often accompanied by elevated temperatures. Such conditions are a serious threat to agriculture production, because photosynthesis is highly sensitive ...
    • openAccess   Jasmonic acid is required for tomato acclimation to multifactorial stress combination 

      Soto Pascual, Lidia; Mittler, Ron; Sinha, Ranjita; Peláez Vico, María Ángeles; López Climent, María Fernanda; Vives-Peris, Vicente; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; I Zandalinas, Sara Elsevier (2023-06-25)
      As a result of global warming and climate change, the number and intensity of weather events such as droughts, heat waves, and floods are increasing, resulting in major losses in crop yield worldwide. Combined with the ...
    • closedAccess   Plant adaptations to the combination of drought and hightemperatures 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron; Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Arbona, Vicent; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio Wiley (2018)
      Under field conditions crops are routinely subjected to a number of differentabiotic stress factors simultaneously. Recent studies revealed that the responseof plants to a combination of different abiotic stresses is unique ...
    • openAccess   Plant responses to climate change: metabolic changes under combined abiotic stresses 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2022-02-22)
      Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency and intensity of abiotic stress combinations that negatively impact plants and pose a serious threat to crop yield and food supply. Plants respond to episodes of stress ...
    • openAccess   Plant responses to multifactorial stress combination 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Mittler, Ron Wiley (2022-03-12)
      Human activity is causing a global change in plant environment that includes a significant increase in the number and intensity of different stress factors. These include combinations of multiple abiotic and biotic stressors ...
    • openAccess   ROS and redox regulation of cell-to-cell and systemic signaling in plants during stress 

      Peláez Vico, María Ángeles; Fichman, Yosef; I Zandalinas, Sara; Van Breusegem, Frank; Mittler, Ron; Karpinski, Stanislaw Elsevier (2022)
      Stress results in the enhanced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants, altering the redox state of cells and triggering the activation of multiple defense and acclimation mechanisms. In addition to activating ...
    • openAccess   The balancing act of NEET proteins: Iron, ROS, calcium and metabolism 

      Nechushtai, Rachel; Karmi, Ola; Zuo, Ke; Marjault, Henri-Baptiste; Darash-Yahana, Merav; Sohn, Yang-Sung; King, Skylar D.; I Zandalinas, Sara; Carloni, Paolo; Mittler, Ron Elsevier (2020-11)
      NEET proteins belong to a highly conserved group of [2Fe–2S] proteins found across all kingdoms of life. Due to their unique [2Fesingle bond2S] cluster structure, they play a key role in the regulation of many different ...
    • openAccess   The Cluster Transfer Function of AtNEET Supports the Ferredoxin–Thioredoxin Network of Plant Cells 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Song, Luhua; Nechushtai, Rachel; Mendoza-Cozatl, David G.; Mittler, Ron MDPI (2022-08)
      NEET proteins are conserved 2Fe-2S proteins that regulate the levels of iron and reactive oxygen species in plant and mammalian cells. Previous studies of seedlings with constitutive expression of AtNEET, or its dominant-negative ...
    • openAccess   The effects of multifactorial stress combination on rice and maize 

      Sinha, Ranjita; Peláez Vico, María Ángeles; Shostak, Ben; Nguyen, Thao Thi; Soto Pascual, Lidia; Ogden, Andrew; Zhen, Lyu; I Zandalinas, Sara; Joshi, Trupti; Fritschi, Felix; Mittler, Ron Oxford University Press (2023-10-17)
      The complexity of environmental factors affecting crops in the field is gradually increasing due to climate change-associated weather events, such as droughts or floods combined with heat waves, coupled with the accumulation ...
    • closedAccess   The impact of multifactorial stress combination on plants, crops, and ecosystems: how should we prepare for what comes next? 

      I Zandalinas, Sara; Peláez Vico, María Ángeles; Sinha, Ranjita; Soto Pascual, Lidia; Mittler, Ron Wiley (2023-11-23)
      The complexity of environmental conditions encountered by plants in the field, or in nature, is gradually increasing due to anthropogenic activities that promote global warming, climate change, and increased levels of ...